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The original of this fic was deleted already so I must end this fic.

I should translate chapter 3 before it deleted. I feel regret it.

So I will spoil what happens next after chapter 2 if you want to know what happened next.


After Eruhaben go out with Ron, Ron asked Eruhaben that he can feel something calling him too. Ron said he can only remember red but don't know who is it. Eruhaben want to help the person who calls him but he can't do anything so Ron tell him to forget it and act like usually because they don't know who calling them and no matter how they try to remember, it will only get headache.

Then the scene is go to Choihan who practice his sword. After he finished and about to leave. He feels someone called him so he drew his sword to where he felt. He found nothing. However, when he pointed the sword at where he felt, his hand is shaking. He doesn't know why he scared. But he felt scared that he has hurt someone that important to him unconsciously. He knows that something was strange, and something was missing. But he doesn't know what is it. Then Lock called Choihan and it make him out of his thoughts. Choihan keep his sword back and leave. Before Lock follows Choihan, he looked back where Choihan pointed his sword at. And he saw a person with red hair smile at him. He don't know if that smile was a happy smile or sad one. He can't see what that person look like. Then Lock left when Choihan called him.


And that all I can remember. I'm gonna end this fic now.

Thank you for come and read this fic.

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