chapter 21

413 21 2

Nhu's pov

We were walking

''Nhu let's take a picture and put it on insta..''

I nodded and he took the photo

“what do you think?” he aksed while showing met the photo 

“it looks cute hiaa” i said with a smile

“okay then im going to put it on my story” 

“can we go up the eiffel tower after?” i asked 

“lets go see “ he said 

We walked to the eiffel tower and it was open so we could go up

“ nhu isnt it goig to be high?” he asked looking at me a little scared

“ are you scared hia?” i asked

“ a little, i am scared of hights..” he said looking away  

“ we dont have to go up if your scared hia” i said grabbing his hand 

“but you want to nhu and tbh i want too 2, but im a little nervouse..” he said 

“ then how about you tell me when you get too scared we can go down immidiately... you can also cling on to me “ i said with a smile and he smiled back 

We went up the eiffel and it took a few min to get up but we finally got the first floor 

I grabed hia’s hand and walked slowly over to the railing 

Hia sqeuuzed my hand a little as he was a little scared 

“ hia if you really are scared then we can go back na” 

He shook his head en took a look at the view

He clinged onto my arm and i chuckeld a little 

“i-it looks beatiful..” he said admiring the view 

“it does” 

“ but its sooo high....” he said looking down and grabing my arm thighter

I laughed

“dont laugh at me nhu..” he said in a sulking tone

“hia you just look so..”

“ i look like what?..” he asked looking at me

“ cute.. You look cute hia...” i said

He laughed 

“how about we go down and eat?” he asked

I nodded 

“ but before that.. Lets take a picture” i said 

And i rapped my hands around hia and he chuckled 

“do we have to cling this much for a photo” he said laughing

“ yes!” i said confidently

He was about to take the picture so i took my chance and kissed his cheek

“what was that for?”he asked surprised

I laughed and pulled him to the stairs to go down 

When we got down he let go of my hand  and grabbed my waist instead 

“thats way better...” he said

“what is better hia?” i asked with little blush

“that were on the ground..”

I looked at him

''Seriously? '' I said annoyed

''A a a dont sulk holding your waist is way better...'' he said with a smirk

I was happy with the answer

''So wat do you want to eat? Snacks or a meal?'' He asked me

''How about we eat snacks for now and later have a meal...?'' I said

''Sounds good to me'' he said with a smile

''Should we go look for a cafe?'' I said

He nodded

''I saw a cafe on our way here.. I don't think it's to far. We can just walk'' he said

We started walking and hia was telling the directions

''So hia what more did you do secretly when we were kids?''

''Wel not much actually but I just found it cute when I tease you.. I stil do tbh butt.. I was always happy when you were around me.. that cute smile of yours always made my day..'' he said

''Come to think of it I think I never  ditched a day when my parents wanted to go to you house''

''You were always annoyed with me and I kinda get you tbh but I was just happy when you were there.. and even if you didn't like me you still cared about me...'' he said looking directly in my my eyes

''Remember the day that July  scratched me?''

I nodded with a chuckle

''It happend more than one time hia'' I said laughing

''Wel yes but one time when she scratched me you hurried over to me with a bandage and started talking to me saying that I had to be careful while playing with her..'' he said with a chuckle

I laughed a little

''We are heree..'' he said and I looked at the cafe it looked kinda modern

So much lights and looked neat and nice

''Let's sit over there'' hia said

We sat at the table and I looked at the menu

''OH look hia the also got a lot of sweets.. I wanna try.. ''

''Get whatever you want nunu.. I'll pay'' he said

''But hia I can also pay you always pay for me..'' I said

'' I want to pamper you.. so please don't be against it..'' he said with a smile

''But hia let me pay this time okay you can pamper me when we get back to Thailand..'' i said with doe eyes

He sighed in defeat

''Can anyone ever win over you?'' He asked

''Nopee! Only nat tho.. we are both hard to win over..'' I said confidently

''But wel I did win you over..'' he said with a smirk

''Hiaaa..'' I said with little blush

''So what do you want hia?'' I asked

''Let me take a look... oh the have coffee too'' he said looking at the menu

''I wil have the black coffee'' he said

''Isn't that to bitter hiaa?'' I asked

''HahaHa yes but I'm not that much into sweets.. I like my coffee to be bitter'' he said with a smile

''Okay then I wil take this '' I said pointing at a dessert


*back at the hotel *

''So you were at the eiffel tower?'' Asked my mom

I nodded

''It looked amazing the view from up above'' I said

''We went shopping most of the time..'' she said referring to hia's mom

I chuckled

''That stil doesn't change a thing mom'' I said laughing

''You did that in Thailand too hahah'' I said

'' yes but there are a few shops that are not in thailand'' she said laughing


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