chapter 54

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*Flashback from after zee helped nhu from nick when he cornerd nhu in chapter 9*(a part you haven't seen!..)

''Nhu.. you need to be careful. he's really more dangerous than you can ever think..'' Zee said as he gave nhu a cup of water

''Why did he suddenly corner me and saying I have to listen to him cuz I'm his toy? Who the fuck does he think he is? Harassing me, and Im sure not only me'' he said as zee looked at nhu kind of lost in something else

'' we should do something about this hia .. I can't sit still when that bastard is still hanging around ''  nhu said as he took a sip of his water

'Oh believe me nhu.. I tried.. ' zee thought

''Just don't get involved with him.. or if he gets to you just kick him or do whatever just to get away from him..'' Zee said

''But hia you know that I can't hurt someone.. it hurts me to do so..''

''Yes nhu.. I know your nice but in that situation you need to defend your self or you could get in some serious shit with that bastard '' Zee said as he gritt his tees

''You do know how to fight right?'' Zee asked

''Well.. not very good..'' nhu said as he looked deeply into zee's eyes

''Look nhu.. if you get in trouble with him or he cornerd you.. just kick him in his weak spot.. you and I both know where..'' Zee said as he smiled to nhu as nhu was still looking into his eyes not saying a word

'There is something that his eyes hold.. but I can't figure out what.. it has like softness and warmth' nhu thought as he was still looking into zee's eyes not realizing zee stopped speaking

''But yea if that happend you can also try to run away and call me to help you.. I will protect you anytime ''Zee said with a soft smile

''Thank you hia.. I really don't know what would have happend if you weren't there for me.. '' nhu said as he held zee's hand

'' you don't need to thank me.. I would do it again if it happens.. now! Go shower I'm sure you feel disgusted by him.. '' Zee said as patted on nhu's shoulder

''Thanks again hia..'' nhu said as he gave zee a hug leaving zee shocked hugging back slowly feeling happy

''And never ever think to hide this from me if it happens. Okay?'' Zee said as they continue hugging

''Okay hia..'' nhu said

*End of Flashback*

Author's pov

Nhu tried to look chill and not scared

''Why are you here?'' Nhu spoke coldly

'' ha? What? Am I not allowed to walk around school??'' Nick said as he bend to nhu's length 

Nhu stayed silent not knowing what to say

''Then what are you doing here?'' Nick said as he walked around nhu, grabbing a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it up

''None of you're business'' Nhu said as his glaring eyes followed nicks movements

''Feisty..'' nick said as he took a puff and blew it on nhu's face causing nhu to cough 

''Why the fuck did you blew it in my face??'' Nhu asked angry trying to get smoke out of his face

''Got a problem?'' He said as he placed his hand around nhu's neck choking him

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