Chapter 12

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Sofía Allegro
Tuesday 22 April 2023

- Oh Dieu merci nous sommes enfin à l'hôtel ! Arthur said letting himself fall on his bed.
( Oh thank God we're finally at the hotel ! )

Arthur and I had appart beds we have a bathroom and a tv in front of us.

- Tu penses que l'on devrait faire une sieste ? I asked.
( Do you think we should take a nap ? )

- Oui se serait mieux comme ça ce soir on sera en pleine forme ! Arthur answers.
( yea good idea so tonight we'll be full of energy)

After packing up our things we decided to take a nap because we didn't slept a lot in Spain or in the plane.

Arthur Delaria
Tuesday 22 April 2023

I woke up first after sleeping in the hotel.

Gosh I'm so tired.

I took my phone and noticed that I have a missing call from my girlfriend.So I decided to go into the bathroom so I won't wake Sofía up.

- Allo ? I heard Héloïse's voice.

- Salut j'ai vu que tu m'avais appelé mais je dormais.
( hi I saw that you called me but I was sleeping)

- Oh ça me fait rien alors ça été le vol ?
( it's alright so how was the flight ? )

- Bien c'était pas long après tout !
( good it wasn't that long after all )

- Trop bie- oh désolé ma maman m'appelle,je te rappelle avant le match pour te souhaiter bonne chance !
( So nic- oh sorry my mom is calling me ! I'll call you before the match to wish you good luck )

- Ok bisous je t'aime !
( Ok kiss I love you )

- Je t'aime aussi !
( I love you too)

We finally hanged up so I got out of the bathroom and saw that Sofía was awake.

- Je t'ai réveillé ?
( did I woke you up ? )

- Non t'inquiète !
( no don't worry ! )

She took some basic clothes and walked to the bathroom probably to dress herself up.

When she got out I did the same and we got out of the hotel to get some breakfast.

Every buildings were beautiful ,I love my home country.Sofía was amazed by every single thing we see which was making me laugh.

We ended up in a small patisserie and we ate a pain au chocolat.

- Paris est définitivement une de mes destinations préférées maintenant !
( Paris is definitely one of my favourite destination now ! ) Sofía said before taking a bite of her breakfast.

- Oui je suis tellement triste que l'on partent uniquement demain soir !
( Yea I'm so sad we'll leave only tomorrow evening.) I said by moving my two front locks backwards.

- Qu'est-ce qu'on pourrait faire le reste de la journée ?
( what should we do for the rest of the day ? )
Sofía asked holding her jaw with her fingers.

- Oh j'ai presque oublié,demain ma copine viendra à Paris ça te dérange si elle nous rejoint ?
( oh I almost forgot,tomorrow my girlfriend will come in Paris,does it bother you if she joins us ?)
I asked with curiosity.

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