Meeting Hailstorm

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The next day, Moon decided to meet Winter's older brother, Hailstorm, when Moon got to Hailstorm's room, with Winter, they saw a male adult
IceWing, he was tall, with silvery white-and-blue scales, long glittering silver-and-white wings, and fierce white claws, his sharp, alert eye's were as blue as the arctic sky, bluer than Icicle's or Winter's, and they crinkle around the edges when he smiles, he was large, with a snout that is longer and narrower than Pyrite's, and sharp, silvery spines. Winter! The IceWing called hugging Winter. Hey Hailstorm, Winter said, you remember Moon right? Hailstorm looked at Moon, and gave her a friendly smile. Ah! Yes, Moon, the NightWing who you kept sulking about awhile ago, Hailstorm said. Winter began to blush blue all over his face. Hailstorm began to laugh at his brothers embarrassed face.

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