Meeting Tundra

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Moon was terrified of Winter's mother, Princess Tundra, formally married to Prince Narwhal, who died due to the NightWing-IceWing war/battle Queen Snowfall started, when Moon walked into the room, she saw a female adult IceWing, she had cold, shimmering, stormy gray eyes and wore a necklace of SkyWing teeth that emited a jittery, small clattering sound when she moved, she had a slippery, smooth, cutting, flat, informative voice, and gleaming scales, when she turned around, she gave Winter and Moon a disapproving glare. Winter. . . She slithered out of her mouth. Winter tilted his head down, trying to keep his eyes from looking at the IceWing. Mother. . . Winter mumbled. I don't care WHO your in a relationship with, just get out of my sight, Tundra said. It could have been from any Tribe, could've been a seventh circle IceWing for all I care, but it had to be a NIGHTWING, Tundra thought.

This was short because I feel like Tundra wouldn't give a sh!t if Moon was NightWing, she just would keep Winter or anything involved with Winter out of her life

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