Chapter Six

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"Never thought you were a Negroni person." A familiar voice ask. I scramble to find the origin of the noise. Looking around the roof to see no one. However, hoping down from above, dressed in his brown leather jacket and red helmet, Red Hood comes to my side. I sigh, looking back out, "This was on the tame side. However, I could've chosen something way stronger." I state. "Want to talk to someone?" Red offers. I scoff, "Please, I'm sure you know all about it, Jason." I reveal my knowledge. "You figured it out." He seemed surprised.

"You were the hardest to figure out, but being that Dick and Barbara were so close and with Batman being gone, Bruce on business-" He finishes, "All the puzzle pieces fit together? Well, at least I don't have to wear this around you then." He pulls off the helmet and places on the surface by the railing. He shakes his wavy hair out of his helmet, fluffing it with his hand. "I'm sorry what happened to you, Kameron. Dick royally messed up." He fixes a piece of misplaces white hair from his eyes, combing through with his fingers. As I observe, "I told him from the beginning that you deserved to know. That's why I don't stick around them. Their guilt lingers. Pisses me off." He explains.

"So, you did know?" I ask, confirming. "Yeah, even Tim. Although, he was too nervous to say anything. Me, I tell it as it is. No feelings behind it, just facts. So it's factual when I say he truly fucked up." I admire his strange way to comfort me if that's what you want to call it. "Thank you, for explaining that to me."

Leaned on the bar surface, he looks down to me. "No one should ever be treated like that, especially someone like you." His sentiment got me thinking. I shot it down immediately as this was our first true conversation. "Genuinely though, you okay?" I sigh, "In all honesty, better since I spent time with my mother. Even more so, now that I have a new job. I came here to clear my head before going back to work finding cases to look into." Hesitantly, Jason seemed concerned, "Whatever you end up searching, be safe about it. I know telling a reporter to not put themselves at risk is basically useless but plead with caution. On behalf of not wanting to come after you."

Something about the way he put it, watching out for me but not fully stopping me created this boundary between us. It was comforting to know he wasn't trying to pry. "I'll try. For your sake." I joke. He then chuckled. A natural snicker as his smirk peers through. Seeing his actual smile put butterflies in my stomach. This was a side, the usual blank faced, angry Red Hood never showed. I saw this pure side of him even if it was for just a moment. It replayed in my head.

"I did actually have a reason of finding you, tonight." He confesses. "Oh. What's that?" I ask. "Even though Dick and I don't see eye to eye, someone had to reach you sooner or later." He vaguely explains. Jason continues, "Dick's been trying to warn you. We fear you're in danger. Whoever paid off Deathstroke is more powerful then we originally thought. We don't know who is behind it all and we really need you to come with us."

Upon realization, annoyed, "So, you didn't want to check on me. Your just Dick's little messenger because I'm not calling him back. Great." I pout off, releasing from the counter. Jason grabs his helmet and follows, pleading, "Kameron, it's not like that. These people are dangerous. They've left a body count for years now. The same scene everytime. They've taken Batman and we believe are conspiring to take down Gotham, or something that will end up in the cities downfall. Either way, you're not safe. Unless you want to be strung to a wall too, you have to trust me."

I pause, "Wait, you said strung up to a wall. In details, what did the crime scenes look like that you've been investigating?" Red was very confused. "What?" I further my concern, "And what do the people killed have in common? Any coincidences that connect the victims?" He scrambles to find the answers.

"Um... the bodies were pinned to walls with daggers. Police notes for each crime were pretty shitty and vague. Pictures are really all we have to go by. As far as connections, they were all wealthy. Not well-known but they were frugal. As well as they attended the Black and White ball hosted at the Power's Club every year. What does this have to do with keeping you safe?" I counter, "It doesn't. What did the daggers look like?"

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