Chapter 1

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My new story, this project will be very different from the games and anime, but I hope you like what you read.

I'm open to feedback as long as it's respectful.

Before continuing, please be aware that English IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE. I write the outline in Portuguese and later translate it into English, so I apologize in advance for any grammatical inconsistencies.

Anyway, I hope I manage to deliver an interesting story, enjoy the first chapter of 'Sage'.

"We are not desperate for help, we only seek those with the strength to change the world" – An Unknown Master

What is the meaning of true power? This is a question asked by people throughout human history. Some believe that power is the ability to get what you want through skill, others believe that power is the determination not to give up in the face of adversity.

Nobody is wrong, and nobody is right. The true meaning of power lies within the soul of every person in the world, and it is up to each of us to discover the core of our own strength.

And out of all the humans who have existed throughout history, not one has reached the pinnacle of true strength... with the exception of one man.

Ashura 'Ash' Ketchum, 50 years old, on top of a snow-covered mountain in a temperature considered deadly for any living being, was training without showing any kind of discomfort. The once dreamy boy grew up to be a man in physical and mental prime, with long gray hair and an angular face. With his eyes closed, Ash got into a fighting stance, and threw punches, one at a time, without stopping.

His body is perfectly sculpted from years of training, and Ash is wearing only weather-worn pants, barefoot in the snow, with a blue aura around his body glowing brightly.

At the height of his career as a trainer, right after becoming a pokémon master, Ash felt a tremendous void in his heart, he had conquered the top, but at the same time he seemed to have lost something very important. The happy attitude that defined him disappeared to give way to a bitter man, not knowing the reason for his sadness.

And during his darkest period, Ash decided that he would abandon everything in search of understanding what he felt. After visiting his mother for the last time and informing him of his decision, Ash left all his Pokémon in the care of Professor Oak and disappeared from the world. Nobody could find him, and after a few years, he was declared dead. What no one found out was that since his departure, he has lived in the mountains of Mt. Silver, living with what nature has given him and training his body and mind to find the answer.

Leaving everything he built throughout his life was extremely painful, but necessary so that he could find a new purpose, and it wouldn't be fair to drag his pokémon and friends on a journey that would possibly end tragically, and Ash would never forgive himself if hurt any of your friends or family in any way.

Isolating himself wasn't an easy decision, but all the friends he's met along the way are strong, and can follow their dreams without regrets and worries.

After years of training, on a sunset atop Mt. Silver, something clicked in Ash's mind, and he finally had the answer upon seeing that beautiful landscape.

The answer was gratitude.

Throughout his journey, Ash had one goal, someone he wanted to defeat. Rival, a champion or winning a pokémon league, there was always some obstacle separating him from a goal, however, with the title of pokémon master, the challenge flame went out, and Ash lost the flame that kept the desire to fight alive.

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