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This isn't the first chapter just an introduction

TW: implied cheating, rape/SA, drug use, alcohol consumption, survivors guilt, self blame

"I thought you loved me" charlie whispered, his voice breaking, full of hurt and betrayal as he stared at his once true love, vin sighs, their eyes full of shame and hatred for themself, if he could explain what happened to Charlie he would, he really would, but how can he when Charlie wouldn't hear them out, he didn't want to cheat!! He didn't!! He was drunk and someone had spiked his drink, he didn't want to sleep with anyone, he didn't want to sleep with that girl who was now apparently 'carrying his child' in the girls words. How could he explain how they never wanted this to happen, how could they say the words to explain that all he wanted was to drink and have fun, never to break their soulmates heart and trust, he loved charlie HE REALLY DOES!! But now.....he isn't sure he deserves their loved returned, especially after what he did behind his boyfriend's back, so vin stayed quiet knowing if he tried to speak he'd break down and he can't have his darling Charlie see that, it's weakness and he promised himself to never show that side of him to anyone ever again, even his soulmate. As Vin stayed quiet it made charlie desperate, he wanted his lover to deny, to deny that he never cheated that what he had heard was a lie what his eyes had seen was a hallucination, that he hasn't seen his lover with another, but as Vin stayed quiet charlie started to realize that what he had seen and saw that night was true, not realizing that he had seen his lover being assaulted.

Charlie's beautiful hazelnut brown hair flows as the wind reaches the open door of his and vin's once shared home, his tan skin damp with tears, rain, and sweat, as vin's black hair as dark as obsidian and the night sky stuck to his ghostly pale skin as rain fell down from the night sky, vin's beautiful ruby red eyes shining with shame and self hatred as he stared into charlies beautiful emerald green eyes that are filled with tears and desperation.

"I'm sorry....." Vin says under his breath, his apology flowing throughout the wind, echoing through the empty and dull night sky, travelling through the city and yet not reaching his soulmates ears, even if it did it was too late for apologies....well for vin it was as he glanced at charlie one last time with bags in hand, turning around he walked off into the night, disappearing from Charlie's sight and mind but not his heart, never his heart

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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