The last of 777

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[Starfinders are my own sort of Cybertronians that have a Titan named the starfinder. Yes art is mine! But down below is Sunshine himself but uncolored sadly. Also Retrobeat aka retro is a Cybertronian muscle car]

 Also Retrobeat aka retro is a Cybertronian muscle car]

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*Sunny was in his quarters on the starfinder. Going through old files in his memories since there wasnt anything to do really, his optics lazily watching each memory and going through each file. Sunny took a moment to pause when he saw the name of one of the files, it reading out "The last of 777" in starfinder, the file could be a number of things but decided to go into it anyways. A single memory was in said file, hesitantly he played it*
     -Memory uploading...upload complete-
The scene played out as old Cybertron before the war, a young sunshine(SS-777) was sitting next to Retrobeat ontop of the shuttle known as the starfinder. Both watching the sky as it changed from day to night
"Ya know 7?"Retro asked as he only got a curious humm from SS. Retro spoke on after hearing that" if you're going to be visiting cybertron more often and going to school here you're gonna need a proper name"
SS looked over to retro with a curious spark in his emerald optics"Like what tho?"
"hmmm, Sunblast? No no, Sunscraper? No not that either. It needs to sound friendly! Since you're gonna be a medic and all"Retro chimed as he looked over to SS with a kind smile
"hm, I mean that's a good point. Wouldn't want to sound threatening."SS hesitantly and more shyly stated. Retro spoke up quickly"It's gonna have to be something that goes with sun, cause we'll, look at you!"SS Awkwardly glanced at his own frame but jumped slightly when retro blurted out"Sunshimmer! Oh primus No- OH how about sunshine! It's not threatening and it suits how you look ya know?"Retro had a friendly and inviting tone, one that made SS feel safe despite all the chaos that usually happened upon the starfinder. Sunny nodded with a smile"I like that"
"good! Cause that's the best I got with names"Retro said with a chuckle which in return earned a chuckle From Sunny as well, something rare but was a good thing
                  -Memory Complete-
The present Sunshine sat there with a small smile in his quarters chuckling at the memory Abit*"Well, I hope to see you again soon old friend.... starfinder knows it's been too long..."*He looked over at a picture on his desk, of himself, retro and another mech whom was scribbled out. Sunshine let out a heavy sigh as he layed down on his berth fully and looked up the the ceiling, slowly falling into recharge as the only sound in the room was the humm of his spark


Heyo! I know it's short but I like it a lot, it goes well with my little Cannon for my au, I hope anyone reading liked it!

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