"they're not always bad"

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Yet another battle against the cons was finally over, Sparksky was rummaging through the left over chaos. The decepticons had made a retreat so the field as far as the optic could see was nothing but torn frames, bits and pieces of other Cybertronians, weapons and corpses.

Sparksky held her emotionless gaze as she walked through the body's, rubble and craters left in the battle. She was looking for any other bots that where possibly alive, using the headlights from her Armored truck mode to see due to it being night currently, her dull blue optics scanning each frame till she came across a Con seeker. The seeker was badly wounded but he was still alive even if a medic had came now there was no saving the poor mech, he was gasping for any sort of life He had left, his dimming optics pointed at the sky

???:"J-Just end me....please....I..I just....I can't anymore, I'm so tired from this fighting..."The mechs voice was desperate and full of fear, concern and sadness. His wings torn as if he had crashed, his engines blown and most of his body looked like he had been exploded from the inside out

Sparksky took a minute to think before shutting off her headlights and kneeling down next to the mech before getting onto her knees, she gently lifted his helm and set it on her lap. She believed no matter if con, bot or neutral. No one. And she means no one. Should die alone or in this state, left by comrades like nothing but scrap. The mech flinched at first and looked into sparksky optics with his own wide I'm shock*

Sparksky:"What was done to you was wrong...what's your name...?"
The mech paused and stared at her for a moment
windhager:"My-"cough"Names Windhager....miss?"
Sparksky:"My name's sparksky...."Sparksky started to gently pet the mechs helm to sooth him as much as possible with one servo while the other went to her utility belt and pulled out a surgical needle, it having a substance that'll put the mech outta his misery without pain. Windhager smiled slightly up at her despite his pain.

Windhager:"You know.....I'd never think I'd get this far....but I also never thought I'd die in this way..."
Sparksky:"I guess I'n a way.....no one knows when they die or how they do, its just kinda fate by primus..."
Windhanger only nodded and looked up to the night sky which Sparksky looked up as well
Windhanger:"It's beautiful.."
Sparksky:"It is..."

They sat in scilence for a moment before windhanger finally spoke up after having a coughing fit
Windhanger:"Thank you...for giving me the peace of mind I wont die alone..."
sparksky nodded as she didn't notice windhanger going limp in her arms, his chassis rising and falling for the last time as he drifted away. Spark looked down to him with a sorrowed look as she saw his optics dimmed to a dull dark red and his body stopped moving.

Sparksky took a deep breath as she lifted Windhangers helm off her lap and set him down gently, she made a small grave for him and closed his optics "Sometimes bots need to learn they're not always bad...."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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