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June 13, 2023

Outfit same as the boys but instead of pants it will be a skirt with shorts under

We were getting ready to record the video Y/n: hi guys so I took some pics with the outfit since I look cute and I never wear Japanese school uniform [after getting ready you all enter the studio] all: hello we are &Team thank you for having us today [you were standing next to Maki while holding his hand] person: how do you feel today EJ: great Yuma: good  EJ: please show              all: please show please show [Yuma showed us with his body] EJ: since the last time we first appeared we want to show you a more mature &team image please look forward to it today &TEAM STUDIO CHOOM fight let's  go [we all clean our shoes before stepping onto the floor, then we all started doing stretching on our own] Y/n: We are going to do well Maki: you said it love Y/n: can you help me with my straddle Maki: sure Y/n: thanks Maki: anything for you [you give him a kiss on his cheek] Y/n: and the kisses are only for you Maki: yep no on else [then we did our first shoot of the dance] EJ: First Howling We title song Firework the feeling of happiness to meet a person, who has the same thoughts with me we expressed that feeling as the firework in the night sky I think it's a song that's perfect for summer Y/n: it's good to hear it while driving around K: it's a good song to listen to whenever you're exercising because it has a sense of rhythm EJ: good song to hear at anytime person: point move [we all show the jump] K: jumping part person: who can jump the highest K: was it Nicholas Maki: Y/n Taki: was it Fuma [we three did a showdown] Fuma: jump with all your might Nicholas: do you want an actual jump Y/n: of course Fuma: let's do that [we did the jump part] Y/n: good job [you guys were sitting down watching the recordings that you have done] Y/N: can I sit down on your lap Maki Maki: sure but let me take off my jacket Y/n: okay [after he took it off you sat down on his lap and Maki put his jacket to cover your legs] Y/N: thank you [you gave him a kiss on his cheek] Maki: your welcome [now you were with Nicho & JO to take some pictures] Nicholas: what do you want Y/n: ohh nice I love the lighting [after JO took some pics you were after then the rest of the group went to took some funny pics and then some groups pics] EJ: our 2nd EP title song Firework it's a great honor to be able to shoot at STUDIO CHOOM it's a great day today thank you for your hard work Y/n: let's go home Fuma: let's go eat first then home Y/n: okay Maki: love I got your stuff Y/n: okay thank you Fuma: ohh he's calling you love now Y/n: yea we started talking to each other more so we have nicknames Fuma: that's goof for you both to get to know each other before dating    Y/n: me too I like how we are now I hope later in the future in the right time we are together Fuma: you will 

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