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The picture above is the stairs that lead down to the beach from Delphie's house :) Hope this helps! Enjoy the chapter <3


October 20. Monday

Dear diary,

If I'm being honest, my first day of school in California couldn't have gone any better, and I had realized that all my worrying had been for nothing.

After my counselor gave me a printed version of my schedule and led me to my first period, choir, a girl sitting with two of her other friends waved me over. She and one of her friends were really friendly and agreed to show me around the school and help me get familiar with everything. The other one didn't really pay much attention to me.

I learned that the first girl's name is Eleanor and her friends were Kailani and Evangaline. Kailani was the one who didn't pay attention to me, but Evangeline was very sweet. When I showed them my schedule I learned that I'd have math with Eleanor and Kailani on B days and chemistry with Kailani. I also saw that I had art with Evangeline. She told me that she was the president of the Art Club at school. I knew as soon as she told me that I had to join. She seemed really excited about adding another member.

It was ten in the morning and I'd already made three-ish friends. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked to second period: English. For the First Time sung by Halle Bailey was blaring in my headphones as I took the stairs to the second floor of the school.

I was one of the first people to make it to class. I introduced myself to Ms. Gonzales, the English teacher, and then she pointed to my seat. I was grateful I didn't have to ask anybody for directions and that my class was pretty easy to find. As I put my backpack on the ground and got comfortable I realized I got lucky that my seat was near the back and hoped no one would pay attention to me.

I put my earbuds back in and drowned out the noise of people flooding into the room before the class started.

The bell rung and I immediately realized this class would be chaotic from all the football and basketball guys sitting together in one corner. They were still fighting over something, even when the teacher stood there trying to get everyone's attention.

Ms. Gonzales clapped her hands once and they quickly quieted down.

"Boys, please." She said with a raise of her brows, looking at them each in the eyes.

When she was sure she had everyone's attention, she continued. "Today we have a new student. Please be kind to our Delphie and make her feel comfortable as this is a new environment for her."

As she paused, most of the class turned around to look at me and I gave an awkward smile and waved before looking back down at my desk and picking on my nails.

Ms. Gonzales cleared her throat and everyone turned back to the front. "For today's lesson, we'll be looking at mythical creatures in literature and what they symbolize. Last class I asked you to bring pages 278-284 from your text books. Delphie, come over here."

I got up from my desk and walked up to her. "You can grab a textbook from that shelf over there," she told me, quietly this time, so the whole class didn't hear.

I nodded and quickly grabbed a book and headed back to my seat.

"In Greek mythology, sirens were creatures with the head of a human and the body of a bird. But in other cultures, sirens were described as the deadly counterparts to mermaids." I rolled my eyes at how suddenly everything in my life revolved around mermaids. "They would lure sailors to their deaths by using their hypnotizing voices. This first text we will read is about the latter."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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