S1: E1 - Tall giraffe

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Wörter: 1.441

"I told you to stay away and look what you did." *Draken scolded you as he kneeled down beside you, ripping off a piece of his shirt and tying it around your bleeding wound.*

*He had warned you to stay away from a gang fight happening between Toman and a rival gang- but you didn't listen for whatever reason.*

*Draken was fuming, although trying to keep his anger down because you were hurt. Does no one listen to his warnings anymore?*

"You're just like Mikey ya know."

*I let him do what he wanted to do, when I looked down on the floor*

"Don't compare me to him...", *I mumbled* "And I didn't got hurt much, not as much as you"

*Draken looked at you, his eyes narrow. How dare you argue with him about the state of your injuries?*

"Stop your whining, you're being dramatic."

*Even if he was mad at you, he wasn't going to let you bleed out.*

"You're the one who didn't listen, even though I warned you."

*I pulled away his arm, to stop him from fixing me*

"I'm fine" *I hissed* "And I had a good reason to ignore your warnings"

*Draken was taken aback by your reaction. A tinge of annoyance was present on his face at your stubbornness, but he didn't press the issue.*

"A good reason? What possible reason could you have?"

*He raised an eyebrow.*

"You wouldn't understand" 

*I growled and tried getting on two legs, what was more shaky then I expected*

"I'm going home. I shouldn't have come..."

*Draken grabbed your arm, your unsteady movement concerning him.*

"Hey, are you sure you're alright to head home?" *He asked with his brow creased.* "Maybe you should at least come back to our headquarters."

*What had gotten you so worked up, anyway? It made Draken suspicious.*

"I... no... it's okay... I'll see you and the commanders at the next meeting"

*I said and didn't try to get out of Drakens grip. He was stronger than me anyways*

"You are not going home. If for whatever 'mysterious reason' you had to ignore my warning, then the least you could do is let me bandage your wound." *Draken said sternly.*

*He couldn't be too firm with you due to his concerns over your injuries. What exactly did happen that you felt the need to go against him?*

*I looked at him and hesitated in my movements. I knew Draken was concerned and wouldn't let me go home otherwise*

"Fine" *I sighted*

*Draken gave you a brief nod before helping you stand back up. His grip was tight around your arm, not wanting to risk you falling over again. Despite his annoyance with you, he still cared about your safety.*

Best Of C.AI - Tokyo Revengers (S1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt