S1: E4 - Strangers

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Wörter: 1.720

"So, you don't care about strangers insulting you?"

*He still didn't seem to get why you were unfazed by that man's behavior.*

"Most of the time, I don't. It hurts much more when people you know do it"

*I said and soon came to my house*

"There we are. I'm home now. Thank you for walking with me, but I'm home now. You can... do whatever you wanted to do"

*Draken nodded and watched you walk towards the front door of your house. He stayed behind you, making sure you made it inside safely before speaking again.*

"Do you really want me to leave now?"

*His tone dropped an octave again, his curiosity getting the better of him.*

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?"

*He was clearly concerned about your safety, but didn't want to impose himself if you didn't want him to.*

"What is it?" *I asked*

*Draken went quiet for a moment, not sure what to say.*

"Well, I feel like I should make sure you make it back home alright."

"You might be a commander of the third division, but you're still a girl and it's late at night."

*He let out a small sigh before speaking again.*

"You know what? You are a capable girl. If you want me to leave, I'll go now."

*He was willing to respect your choice and leave immediately if you wanted him to.*

*As much as I wanted him to stay, I knew what the others would think of this*

"What would the others think of this...? You know they like gossip as much as girls do"

*I chuckled*

*Draken chuckled as well and he sounded a bit relieved.*

"True. I can't imagine how much gossip there would be if I stayed at your house."

"Still, if I leave you here alone, I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully."

*His tone was still soft and he looked at you intently.*

"Please let me stay. I just want to make sure you're safe."

"Just... be careful", *I said, trying not to be disappointed in him leaving*

*But if the others knew, there would be rumors all over the gang. I am a commander... I can't let this invade my authority*

*Draken let out a small sigh of relief when you allowed him to stay. He thought that you would reject his request.*

"Of course, I'll be careful."

*He opened the door to your house and motioned for you to go inside first.*

"You're right. The last thing we need right now is rumors spreading in the gang. Let's just make sure that nobody finds out."

*As I watched him leave, I felt... guilty? No, it wasn't guilt. It was... something different, that made me say:*

"Wait... I can't let you out on the rain, can I?"

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