S1: E2 - My keys!

7 1 0

Wörter: 1.358

*Draken stared at you, his look turning from teasing to puzzled, as if he didn't really know what to say at that moment.*

"Is that some kind of threat?"

*His look turned from puzzled to amused as he chuckled. He seemed to like you teasing him, it brought our his more playful side.*

"You're welcome."

*He pushed your hair out of your face, seemingly satisfied that the bandage covered the wound.*

"We should head back. We've been here too long."

"You're right. Let's drive back to the headquarters"

*I said and walked out of the alleyway towards my Kawasaki*

"You commin'?"

*Draken followed you out of the alley and looked at your motorcycle.*

"Why didn't you take this bike earlier? It would've saved us a lot of time."

*He smirked at you.*

"Sure, I'll follow you."

*Draken got on his own black bike before revving the engine. It was pretty late, but he didn't mind. It wasn't too far from the headquarters, and riding at night was calming anyway.*

"Bla bla... better keep up. I'm faster than you anyways"

*I chuckled and started my bike, letting the engine howl*

*Draken took your comment as a challenge, grinning at you.*

"That's what you think."

*He revved the engine once more, the sound of his engines a lot louder than yours. After that, he set off after you, following you through the dark night.*

*Despite not knowing what your deal was, Draken found your attitude hilarious. He couldn't remember the last time someone challenged him during a ride.*

*As I was owning a Kawasaki ninja, I was much faster than Draken with his bike*

"Eat dust"

*I laughed and watched Draken as he suddenly kept up*

*Draken grumbled to himself as your bike outran him. How was it possible that his bike was slower than yours?*

"Hey now, slow down there speedster."

*Draken pushed his bike to the limits just to keep up with you. His speedometer was reaching alarming numbers, but he had to show you that he was the better rider.*

*I slowed down a little and chuckled*

"What's wrong? Can't keep up, old man? Maybe I should buy you a bobbycar?"

*Draken groused at your comment, his bike straining with every second. He was not about to lose a riding competition with you.*

"I'm not old, I'm in the prime of my life."

*His bike's acceleration was starting to plateau, but he was still determined to win this race.*

"I can beat your bike if I really wanted to."

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