Chapter 6

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You had just finished eating when the doorbell rang.

"Shit," you whisper, cowering.

"It's fine, I'll get it." Steve says, rising from his seat and walking to the front door.

You hear faint talking. It sounds like the party. Suddenly, you hear footsteps walking towards you.

You breathe a sigh of relief. It's the party. However, you don't see Lucas.

"Dustin, thank the goodnesses." you say, looking at everyone.

"Hey, so, could you explain what happened exactly?" Dustin asks.

"Yeah, uh, so basically Chrissy was in a trance and then she kinda, started floating and then all her bones cracked and she died." you explain, staring at the floor.

"Oh, lovely. Other great news, um, everybody is after you two." Max says.

"Who, Steve and I?" you question, confused.

"No, you and Eddie. Where is he anyways?" Dustin asks.

As if on cue, Eddie appears on the steps.

"What did you say?" he asks.

"Everybody is after you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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