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Hallie walked into the paddock taking a deep breath as she walked towards the Mercedes garage to see her father. She stepped through the door to his office, "father, how are you?" She asked smiling but still nervous.
He seemed shocked to see her standing there "Hallie what are you doing here, I thought you were at school for the next few months" he said confused.
"About that" Hallie began but before she could even finish her father already knew. She had dropped out.

Hallie struggled to stick with one thing for long, hobbies, jobs, school, boys and girls. She just wasn't one for commitment she saw it as a chore, something everyone expected to do but it just wasn't something she wanted to do. Anything to get out of staying with one thing for too long. She had meant to try university for longer than the other things, tried to stick with it, but she lasted not even 3 weeks. So now she stood in her fathers office having to tell him she couldn't keep it up.

He gave her the same disappointed look she'd seen so many times before, "I thought you said this time it would last Hal" he said sighing.
"I'm sorry dad but I just couldn't do it I missed travelling with you and the team." She also missed a certain driver but she could never tell her father that, if he knew her and one of his drivers were friends with benefits he would get mad at Hallie before most likely proceeding to fire the driver. "Please let me travel with you again, Susie agrees I was better when I was with you." She was ready to beg him at this point, desperate to go to the garage and tell him she was staying with them again.

After what felt like an eternity Toto answered her "fine you can travel with me again but same rules as always apply. You come to every race with me, no bad publicity and no boys." He puts emphasis on the last part and Hallie smiles knowing she won't follow a single one of his rules. "Of course father" she lies, "I'm going to phone Susie now and tell her the news." She says knowing she won't she leaves his office immediately heading down to the garage where she sees him.

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