Chapter 1

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Hallie quickly texted Susie just in case her dad asked about it later and continued on her way to the garage. That's when she saw him, they locked eyes and she ran towards him hugging him tightly "Lewis" was all she said, slightly out of breath looking up to him. "Hallie why are you here?" He questioned her. "I'm travelling with you guys for the next while." She smiled. 'University didn't work out I take it?"

Hallie and Lewis were talking with one another catching up on what they'd missed in the weeks they'd been apart, Lewis spotted George and waved him over. Hallie smiled, she was friends with most of the drivers on the grid but she really liked George he was sweet and pretty good looking. "Hey George" Hallie said sweetly to him
"Hi Hallie" he replied, his accent clear as day.
"Hallie's dropped out of school again" Lewis explained.
George nodded knowing it would mean she was staying with them for a while, he noticed Lewis had a hand on Hallie's back he thought it was strange but at the same time knew not to question it. Everyone on the grid was aware the two had something going on but never acknowledged it, almost like the two of them didn't even want to say anything.

The conversation moved away from Hallie and school as an engineer came to get Lewis and George, telling them it was time for qualifying. "Bye Hal" George said walking away still thinking of her. "Meet at my hotel room after the race" Lewis whispered in her ear passing her a keycard knowing she'd use it, she always did.

Later that evening Hallie found herself laying in Lewis' bed, a common occurrence for the two. They had a few simple rules to the friends with benefits arrangement. Hallie could stay the night so long as she was gone before Lewis woke up, no one can know what they do especially not Toto and finally no feelings. The issue was both of them had begun to develop feelings and Hallie had told her best friend Aurora everything. Neither ever addressed their feelings scared to ruin the good thing they had going. However that night felt different, Hallie had the overwhelming urge to just tell Lewis everything but she also kept thinking about someone else.

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