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(t/w: mentions of kidnapping, murder, implied SA)

Dolley Madison Barnes was the younger sister of Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier. A master codebreaker, she went to Germany to decrypt messages for the American troops. She was trapped as a crystal at the bottom of the ocean for years. Then she grew older, made friends, and reunited with her brother. At least, that who she was in your universe.

In this one, she was The Winter Soldier.



Dolley sat in the troop's camp, scribbling on a piece of paper. It seemed like she was writing completely random letters. One of the soldiers, a man named Josiah Clampett, came up behind her. 

"Whatcha got there? Sumthin' from the Germans?" he asked, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Her cheeks flushed. "Uh- no. It's a letter to my friend from back home. Steve." 

Josiah gave her a sly grin. "Your boyfriend?"

Dolley's cheeks went redder. She hid her face in her letter. "No...my brother's friend."

The man laughed, a loud sound. Dolley decided that if Santa Claus were real, he would sound like Josiah. A deep belly laugh that made one want to chuckle themselves.

"I'm just pickin', I'm just pickin'," Josiah said, clapping Dolley on the shoulder. She laughed softly as the man walked away. Then she turned back to her letter and continued writing.

Hours passed. It grew dark. Dolley settled down to sleep in a tent she was given.

That night, the Germans attacked.

Dolley woke up to hands grabbing her, pinning her down. She tried to scream, but someone was covering her mouth. She tried to fight, but the men holding her were too strong.

"This must be the girl," one of the men said in a thick German accent.

Another man looked at her, examining her closely. Dolley had never felt more like a doll in her life. "Ja, it is the Barnes girl the boss wanted," he said. "Bind her hands. We don't want her to fight."

The first man grabbed some rope and tied Dolley's hands together. However, she did try to fight. She kicked and tried to scream. But the soldier easily overpowered her. He slung her over his shoulder and carried her out.

The camp was in disarray. Bodies of slaughtered men were everywhere, tents fallen to the ground. 

"Somebody, help!" Dolley screamed. She prayed one of the Americans would hear, and save her-

But it was hopeless. 

"They're all dead, kleines Mädchen," the second German said. "We snuck up on them. They were all dead before you even woke up."

Dolley felt tears well in her eyes. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice a whimper.

"The boss has big plans for you, kleines Mädchen," the man said. "Johann, she doesn't need to ask any more questions."

Without another word, the first soldier hit her in the head, successfully knocking her unconscious.


Later, Dolley woke up in the back of an armored vehicle. Her hands were unbound in front of her, a bag over her head. She sat quietly for a moment, listening.

"She is the codebreaker, ja?" one of the soldiers said to another.

"Ja," the other man confirmed. "The one the boss wants."

▀▄▀▄▀▄ωɦαƭ เƒ...?▄▀▄▀▄▀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora