AlCiv :: Cuddles

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Should I be working on TROTU? Absolutely. Do I care? No. I want to make AlCiv fluff with my new headcanons. 

AU: yes /j (past canon or smth?)


Alpha paced back and forth. The second she got out of the room she'd strangle Ath. The girl had asked her and Civ to get something from a room and then locked them inside. She'd already spent several minutes attempting at picking the lock, but failed fantastically each time. The room was small, and there was only a twin size mattress, a couple sheets, some pillows and blankets, and a clock. There was a window, but it was small, and close to the ceiling. This was bad. What if she did or said something stupid? What if she- "Um, Alpha? Are you okay? Your expression is a bit... intense." Civ was leaning against a wall and had been watching her pace and mutter about what she'd do to Ath the moment she got out of the room for around 10 minutes. Most involved interesting methods of humiliation that made Civ remind himself to never get on her bad side. "No, I'm fine, I'm sorry that you had to get pulled into this.."

"It's okay, it's not like I mind being stuck here with you." Civ replied. He smiled in a way that made Alpha's cheeks heat up. Alpha hoped the moonlight obscured the red on her cheeks, but it didn't, since Civ said, "Sorry! Did I say something wrong?" He looked embarrassed. "No, I'm just.." Alpha's voice trailed off. "Oh! There's a light up there. It'd be nice to have some more light in here." She walked to the middle of the room and tried to reached for the cord, but it was too high up. She jumped a bit and finally got it after a few seconds, but it shocked her. Surprised by the shock, she tripped and fell.. straight into Civ's arms. She immediately stood back up. "Sorry! I didn't mean to fall.." She said, red-faced. 

"It's okay! I don't mind, really!"

"You've said that twice now."

"Because you don't need to apologize for everything you do!" Civ said. 

"You're amazing! You're so strong and smart and still think everything is your fault! You're not a scapegoat for anybody's mistakes so stop treating yourself like one!" Alpha felt her cheeks heat up and whispered, "Thank you, Civ," She smiled. Alpha glanced at the clock. It was late now. Without thinking, she yawned. "Are you tired?" Civ asked, "Yeah, but I'll be up all night either way, I'll help you with that mattress, I think there were some sheets in the corner." The two fixed the mattress in a corner of the room. Once they were done, Alpha sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. 

"Y'know, you should at least try to sleep,"

"It's fine! I don't want to invade your space."

"I have no problem with you staying next to me! You really should try and rest."

The room quieted for a second.

 "Are you sure you're okay with it?"


Five minutes later, Alpha was beginning to regret the decision. The mattress was so small that they could scoot to opposite sides and still be touching. But.. on the other hand, she felt weirdly comfortable, and warm. She could hear Civ's soft breathing, which gave her a sense of security, for some reason. Either way, if she let herself get lulled to sleep by this feeling, she'd be plagued by nightmares. "C-Civ?" The words started tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them. "C-can you cuddle me?" The moment she asked she immediately started screaming internally. She decided at that moment that death would be a better choice than hearing his response. She would never be able to get in his vicinity, let alone talk to him ever again- Civ wrapped his arms around her and hugged her closely. "I-is this okay?" He could practically see his face glowing red with embarrassment. "Yes, thank you.." She said, letting herself get lulled to sleep by the warmth and love she felt. And when she finally did fall asleep, there were no nightmares.

- - - - -

 Ath swung the door open. "Good morni-" She stopped when she saw the two, peacefully sleeping. Hoping she didn't wake them up with her rather loud greeting. Unfortunately for her, Alpha was a light sleeper and had been woken up by Ath. Civ however was still asleep, hugging her tightly. Ath got her phone out to take a picture.

"You wouldn't dare."

"But you wouldn't want to wake up up, would you?"

"I'm going to kill you for this."

"You know you're enjoying this."



Pretend I gave this an actually good ending, please.

Okay, but I'm actually pretty proud of this, it's the first fluff shot I've written in like, 5 months and I love it. Please give me feedback lol

-Sylvie! 💫 

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All characters belong to LlamaPawa on yt, who you should definitely sub to right now.

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