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Asking Chris about Zahra made my mind wander back to the rest of my friends. They must be mad at me. They probably think that I bailed on them, given my track record I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they thought. But then again, I always let them know within that hour. It's been nearly days since they've heard from me. I'm sure that me being trapped in a library could be something that Zahra, Anastassia, Bryson and I would laugh about later.

However, the more that I think about it, the more I realize I can't keep making up scenarios just to make myself feel better and not make them look bad. I looked over at Chris who seemed to be looking at me.

"Do you ever get scared?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Not really. I love living for the thrill." he said, and I squinted at him.

"You know you're talking but you're saying a whole lot of nothing." I said and he gave me a confused gaze. "What's the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of your worst fear."

He appeared to be making an effort to think. I wasn't prepared for him to act in that way.

"Nah, none of that. I said straight off the dome. Go ahead and spit it out."

"Commitment!" he blurted out and my eyes met his.

"Do you mean in a romantic or general sense when you say that?" I asked and he gave me a slight smile.

"In general." he said, and I nodded my head. "You?"

"Losing myself. I'm my only support system and if I don't got me..."

"No one else does..." he said finishing my sentence and I nodded my head.

It was freezing here, and it only seemed to be getting colder. It's gotten to the point where I can see my breath in front of me. And suddenly, I was craving human contact.

"We're more alike than I thought." Chris said and I looked over in his direction.

"It seems like it." I replied and he gave me a small smile.

I rubbed my arms up and down and tried to keep my breathing as even as possible. My body slightly shook, and I shivered from time to time. Our eyes locked and the visible air from our breaths mixed. He was the first to break eye contact and I was next.

"I'm going up to the kitchen, do you want anything?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm good for now." I lied.

Chris POV

"I'm good for now." she lied.

"Okay, you know where to find me." I said walking up all those flights of stairs and I walked into the kitchen.

I found a can of soup and I grabbed two bowls. When the soup was ready, I poured it into the bowls, and I walked back down to where Na'lini was. I walked through the door and saw that she was back on the armchair and was trying to get comfortable.

"I know you said that you didn't want anything, but I brought some soup to warm you up." he said, and she turned around.

"Thanks Chris, that's really thoughtful of you." She sat up and took the soup from my hand. She looked at me with wide eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "The bottom of this bowl is scorching hot. Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm just fine." I said and she just gave me a weird glare.

"Well, care to join me?" She asked and I sighed. I carefully made my way to the floor. I sat down crossing my legs and placing the soup down on the ground.

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