The Final Battle

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Tiran pov:

I rushed to put on my gear and get suited up. Kasana appeared next to me after about two minutes. She pointed upwards and I could see a multitude of escape pods floating down through Earth's atmosphere and the only starship we had, firing constantly, before ramming the new moon called the Death Star 2 at light speed. I could almost hear it. The damage seemed to be only superficial however, but at least half of the Death Star had been stripped away. One thing was for sure, it wouldn't be able to hyper-jump again.

Kasana touched my arm and without a word we ran for our fighter. This ARC-170 was custom-built to look like the original only three times bigger and with more anti-air turrets and a loading ramp for a squad of troops. It also had what we hoped would be our last resort: an old nuclear bomb turned into a proton missile. Light was already in the rear-gunners position, I got into the pilot's seat and Kasana took the co-pilot's seat.

 As we flew away from our home base a squadron of TIE bombers and what looked to be the remains of two TIE fighter squadrons were approaching. It was clear that our base was the target. I swung around without hesitation, guns blazing. A TIE bomber exploded almost immediately at my first burst, sending shrapnel into another TIE bombers engine, causing it to go in a downward spiral that couldn't be recovered. Luke and Ahsoka were busy with the TIE fighters, who, once they had recognized the infamous X-wing, had all ganged up on him. I went straight at the bombers, who were ready to wipe ou base off the map. I sent four heat-seeking missiles after them and five went down after one careened to the side wiping out another threat. A blast of green lasers flew across our nose, and a TIE fighter that was about to take a pot shot at us went up in a massive fireball. Ahsoka flew across our front, followed by a squadron of F-15 and F-14 Fighters.

The rest of the TIE bombers arrived over our base, screaming in low to get the best possible accuracy. One of the defense turrets sent a bomber spinning into the ground a short distance from the base. A myriad assortment of fighters shot the another two out of the sky.

Only one of twelve bombers had gotten through our furious attack and he overshot and blasted a crater into the side of the mountain, sending debris and rocks flying everywhere. The TIE bomber pilot, his mission complete now saw that he was outnumbered and wisely landed in a field not too far away. The TIE pilot in question held up his hands in surrender and I dipped my wings in salute to our fallen enemy.

I counted well over three dozen crash sites, so I knew that we had lost some of our own and I tried not to dwell on the fact that by the time this was over we would probably be just another scorch mark on a planet. Hopefully, a free planet. Free from the Empire's tyranny.

Y-wings and other bombers swarmed the fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers, using our special EMP ammo to destroy the shields from the inside. Suddenly out of the darkness of space a fleet appeared out of hyper-space.  A squadron of X-wings locked their s foils and attacked the star destroyers almost immediately and the cruisers kept firing their turbo-lasers at the ISD's that had no shields. 

I headed towards the Death Star and I was met with an eerie silence. No lasers, no defending starfighter, nothing. As I got closer I saw that only one of the surviving airlocks was still operational. I landed and opened the ramp door and a squad of troopers filed out, securing the perimeter. 

I looked back at Kasana holding up my lightsaber and without a word we climbed down, where Light was waiting for us. "Let's go see if the 'captain' of this decrepit vessel is still alive." Light said brandishing her DC-17. I made my way up the stairs and elevators' cautiously, passing Stormtrooper after Stormtrooper that had either broken their neck or some other mystery cause. "Probably from impact of the Venator." Kasana whispered.

We entered some sort of throne room and almost immediately Praetorian guards advanced on us. "Soo... These are the young Jedi that killed not only my Inquisitor, but also my apprentice, Darth Vader?" A man in a black robe sat seated at the very end of the room, head down. "My name is Darth Sidious, but you may call me Lord Sidious." I ignited my lightsaber and Kasana gripped her double-bladed blue lightsaber tightly. Light simply armed her DC-17 and ignited her orange lightsaber. Darth Sidious stiffened as he saw what colour our lightsabers were. "Orange bladed force users? You truly ARE worthy opponents." Sidious laughed a deep maniacal laugh that shook me to my bones. "Now kill them." Sidious gripped the armrests and the Praetorian guards began to run at us, only to be cut down by our lightsabers.

Sidious stood and pulled out a gold lightsaber and ignited it, prepared to join in the fray if need be, slashing and hacking with a blood red lightsaber. The rest of the praetorian guards backed nervously towards the throne and we advanced. Light whipped out a couple of blaster shots and the last three guards fell, pierced through. Sidious looked back behind us, real fear in his eyes. Luke, Ahsoka and Aayla walked behind us, lightsabers in hand. "You rule of Tyranny is over, Sidious." Luke declared stepping forward, green lightsaber in one hand. "Anakin Skywalker was weak, you however will make a fine PADAWAN." Sidious screamed and went into a spiral launching himself across the room and clash blades with Luke. "Then I will avenge his death." Ahsoka appeared from out of nowhere, slashing downwards with her white blades.

I stood there stunned as realization sank in. We had not only freed Earth, but the whole galaxy. Aayla, Ahsoka, Luke, Light and Kasana also just stood there. I grinned. "Let's go and blow this place up." I got the nuclear bomb proton torpedoes and placed them at the center of the core.

 As I ran back to the ship a figure jumped on me from behind. I stumbled and twisted sideways to see my attacker. Miri stood there like she was scared and I gestured her to follow me. I hopped into the ARC-170, Miri right behind me and got a hold of the controls. 

As we flew out of range I noticed black misshapen lumps of steel and debris spread across the entire battle ground. All of the Imperial Star Destroyers were gone. Miri came up to me and handed me a lightsaber. A gold lightsaber. There was an almighty explosion and I shielded my eyes, heading for Earth. Luke's X-wing and Ahsoka's shuttle came into view alongside us and I felt relieved that they had also gotten away safely.

When we landed at our base I stopped Miri before she could leave the fighter. "Who's is this?" I asked, "And what were you doing on the Death Star?" Miri looked at me strangely. "I was guarding the starfighters, and I followed you to the Throne Room. I simply picked it up from where Darth Sidious had dropped it after you left to blow up the core, but I got lost. By chance I happened upon you after you had set the bomb and, well, here I am." Miri shrugged and gestured outside.

"To Freedom!" I said stepping out of the ARC-170. The gathered crowd roared in response, cheering. Kasana came up beside me and all of the Jedi and troopers that had taken down the Death Star, including Miri. I turned to Kasana and kissed her, right in front of the crowd. When I pulled away the crowd had gone into a frenzy, yelling and cheering and clapping each other on the back. Kasana was smiling in a cute, shy sort of way. I gestured to Aayla, Ahsoka, Luke and my friends to follow me inside somewhere more private to discuss our next plans.

"Palpatine is dead. Darth Vader and the Inquisitors are too. What next?" Ahsoka pulled out a holo-com and a figure appeared. "What is it Ahsoka?" I recognized the figure from Aayla's holocron. "Hey! You were the Jedi that told all survivors to avoid the temple, weren't you?" I interjected and the figure looked impressed. "I see that your attempts to make a new Jedi Order are in full swing. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, the new Master of the Jedi Order, until our leader returns, of course." I dipped my head in acknowledgement. A new age was beginning. A new Jedi Order would rise from the ashes of chaos and restore balance to the Galaxy.

A/N: Well, this is the end of the book. I hope you've enjoyed reading this, and tell me if I should write a sequel to this.



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