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As Eadrid walked out of the hall, a bell rang loudly around her. Soldiers looked up at her as they heard the bell, the bell to gather the Rohirrim.

She walked in front of the armoury and faced the men who had gathered around her. She took a moment to look at them, remembering each of their faces.

"Riders of Rohan..." Eadrid smiled slightly as her men awaited her orders. "I am honoured to fight alongside you once more. As much as I desire to speak with each of you again, we have a duty to uphold. On the third, we ride for Gondor, and war."

They nodded and prepared their things as Eadrid went to the stables to ready Aiyla.

She fitted the saddle and fastened her packs on her quickly. Eadrid mounted and rode out of the stables, finding her men ready and awaiting her. 

She rode in front of them and turned around, yelling at the soldiers. "Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan. Oaths you have taken. Now fulfill them all, to Lord and Land!"  She turned and broke into a full gallop, beginning the three-day ride to Minas Tirith.


The camp was set upon a tall hill, where switchbacks led to the camp prepared for the King's company. 

Eadrid rode to the top, her men staying in the tents at the foot of the hill. She had arrived there before the others, but some men had taken to setting up the tents and preparing food and drink.

"My Lady!" Eadrid turned to see a younger man calling for her and rode up next to him. "My Lady, this will be your lodging, and I may take your horse if you wish."

Eadrid dismounted. "Thank you." She nodded to him and went inside the tent. It was decorated lavishly, rugs were placed everywhere and sheets and blankets hung on the walls, giving Eadrid some feeling of coziness where it was appreciated. Eadrid did not know what to expect in Minas Tirith. Yes, an army of orcs, but just how many she could not guess. She did not wish to linger anymore on that.

Eadrid walked out of the tent when she heard hooves approaching. She saw Aragorn dismount and walked to him.

"How was the ride?" She asked, putting a hand on Brego's muzzle and patting him.

"Good, it was good." He nodded and took his things off the saddle. "You arrived here very quickly."

"Yes, well my men and I never desire to waste time when we could arrive at our destination quickly."

"They think that, or is it you?" Aragorn smiled as they followed the same soldier to Aragorn's tent.

"Well, I had to instill some sort of urgency in them, I suppose." Eadrid shrugged. "But the harder one works, the more time for rest."

Aragorn put his things down and faced her. "Well, I cannot disagree with that."

Eadrid turned when she heard a horse whinnying. She walked out of the tent with Aragorn behind her and saw many horses restless and uneasy.

They walked to Legolas and Gimli who had just arrived. "The horses are restless and the men are quiet," Legolas said as they came next to them.

Eadrid nodded to the small cleft in the rocks. "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." Throughout her years as Captain of the Rohhirim, often did they come to this hill for refuge, and always did they avoid that cold part of the mountain.

"That road there," Gimli pointed. "Where does that lead?"

"It is the road to the Dimholt, the door under the mountain," Legolas said in a low voice.

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Eadrid shook her head. "Well, enough of that. Let us get some food." 

Gimli and Legolas nodded and walked with her.

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