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'Why'd I have to break what I love so much?' is the question Ivana Taylor asks herself everyday. She barely has friends to hang out with ever since Melis Gray moved away. However, that doesn't limit them to being completely out of communication... The two of them facetime almost daily to talk about the news in their life, mostly Melis' news, because nothing exciting happens in Ivana's life...

Oh why, why, why!? Why does my life have to be this boring!? I don't even have siblings to hang out with, and my parents are always gone. I missed my childhood because of them. You know, I realised, I am really bad at listening to others when they speak to me. Like today when I was on a call with Melis, her story was making me fall asleep!

Summer break unfortunately has just hit, then I will become more bored than any bored person in the history of all Villsville!! And that doesn't have any exaggeration in it, because it's true! Every week is the same in my life. Library, Melis, bed, home, eat, listen to music.

Today is no exception, it was a boring Sunday and I popped on my headphones and listened to Taylor Swift's Lover Album. What else was there to do? There was a sudden doorbell ring, and I raise my eyebrows, knowing there were no expected guests coming today. I let out a big groan, and get out of bed, opening the door. Oh, what a surprise. It was my one and only mother.

"How's my little Iva!?" she says with a huge smile on her face. I smile back and give her a big hug.

"Mum? What're you doing here?" I question... "I thought you weren't coming back 'til Wednesday?"

"Well, apparently we had nothing else to do so Aisha let us out early, cool, right?" Mum says, walking in the door and setting her stuff down. Aisha is mum's boss and Melis' mum, she's quite a nice lady, if I do say so myself. In all honesty, I basically connect to Aisha more than my own mother!

"I can finally catch up with you now, because I know you have nothing better to do, right?" Mum laughs, kissing my head and fixing her hair. You see, mum tries really hard to impress me, because I'm basically all she has. Dad never sees us anymore, and I'm her only child. And I guess it would be nice to have a friend during the time being, because I do complain about being lonely a lot. A lot.

This could be a wonderful time to catch up with my birth giver about my life, so I decide to put my headphones away and have tea with her. My mum is a wonderful person, you just might not know it if you're not all that close with her, like I am! But then again, you realise there's not really anything I can talk about, because nothing important happens in my life.

Mum takes a sip of her tea, and starts the conversation with a very irrational question...
"So, Iva. Have you found the man yet?" She asks, sipping her tea and smirking.

"Mum.. You know I'm not all interested in finding love. I think no boy would want to date me, an introverted weirdo, a laughing stock and nerd. Plus, I have to focus on my own grades and stuff." You see, I'm not into love and relationships that much because theres no point in loving when your hearts just gonna get broken at one point... Your feelings get crushed and your self esteem goes down. I'm saving my love for others until I get really ready and I'm not as sensitive as I am now..!

Mum can slightly understand me, because that's what happened with her ex-husband. She gave him all her love and trust, and he left her like that. I learned this lesson from her to not trust people freely and to learn about them before really getting into the relationship deeper.

I am a fifteen year old girl from Villsville. What am I really, though? All the days I spend alone in my room make me feel guilty for not spending time with my own mother!! She tries so hard to make me happy but it's hard with work and travelling and dad. I may sound careless and stupid compared to other daughters, but I care. A lot. If it wasn't for Melis, I would know way less than I do now. But can I tell mum that? No. No I can't.

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