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Do you know the annoying feeling of being locked up in a house all day because you have nothing to do? I do. I've been at home for days upon days upon days upon days - You know what I mean. Yeah, I've left the house a few times, but that doesn't mean I don't get bored, because trust me, listening and watching the boys' soccer game is boring once you've been there for at least an hour, and they start to argue 'cause there's a puncture in the ball.

"Oh you stupid monkey!!!", "I didn't puncture the bloody ball!!", "Your fat butt sat on it and made a hole!!"

It may seem funny, but it's cheesy and cringe.
But again, it would be nice to have friends so close that you argue with them at times...

Every time i decide to contemplate in my room, I play those moments with Sebastian and his group in my head over and over again.
Yesterday, I decided to go out and get a nice poster quote for my room, Daphne gave it to me because she says the quote reminds her of me. Now I tell you I SQUEALED when she said that.
Daphne Day, the coolest kid in the neighbourhood thinks of me!?
Anyways, I 100% couldn't turn down the opportunity, my room is quite minimalistic and plain. The poster has a quote by an American Singer, Cher. The quote on the poster reads, "Mom, I am a rich man.", coincidentally, it shows up in the You Need To Calm Down music video by Taylor Swift!

My mums's first impression on it was amazing, she loved it and said it was a quite... Er... Interesting addition to my light pink bedroom walls..!
I really have nothing to do, nor no one to talk to, because Sebastion is boring, Daphne is nice, but she has her own friends and Melis is too busy with her man. I always try to make time with her to hang out, but she's always busy. I guess I'll never get it until I find someone. Every time I try to make conversations with her, I mean, she replies, but then she goes off and talks about how busy she is with her boyfriend, whose name I don't know yet. Apparently, this stuff comes, and soon I'll be doing the same to Mel, but I doubt it, no boy will ever love me like a man.

Anyways, fast forward to now, nothing much is going on, I'm just sitting on my bed thinking. I looked over at my bookshelf at one point and realised there's a book on there due back at the library tomorrow. Oh yes! Finally! I can get out of the house and do something! Standing up, I walk over to my bookshelf and pick up the wonderful book I borrowed from the local library before holidays started. It was a lovely book, lovely romantic summer book.
"Mu-u-m! Is it alright if I go to the library to return my book?" I yell out to her while doing my hair in a high ponytail in my room. The hot weather makes me feel the need to have my hair out while going out, so I listen to my instincts.

"Yeah, Vana! You can go, make sure you don't go anywhere else, though, unless you obviously message or call me!" Mum replies.
As I walk out, putting my shoes on, mum gives me a kiss goodbye and I hug her.

I grab my keys and bag and walk out the door, locking it. The library is a few blocks away from my house, so it's not that bad when it comes to borrowing and returning books. When mum and I moved to our neighbourhood in Villsville, I took living near a library to an advantage, and became a huge bookworm. Now, I have a whole shelf dedicated to just books.

The weather outside is very warm, it was a smart idea to put my hair up, otherwise I'd be sweating buckets. A few minutes after walking, I finally arrived to the library. Oh hello my favourite library on earth!, I thought as I entered the doors and felt the refreshing breeze of books and refreshing air... Yummy. Oh to resist the urge to smell every novel on the shelf... Absolutely perfect.

"Good afternoon, Helena!" I say (but quietly because it's a library, obviously). Helena Kensington is the head worker in the library, she does most of the book finding, borrowing, and returning for me. She's a really fancy lady in her probably-late-20's and she has the most blondie-est blonde hair and the blue-iest blue eyes I have laid my own eyes on!
"Oh, hello Ivana! What brings you here on this warm afternoon? Do you need help with anything?", Helena replies as we exchange smiles. "Actually, I'm just here to return the book you recommended to me last week, and maybe browsing to search for a new one!". I give her the book and she scans it on her scanner thingy to show that I've returned it.
"Wonderful, what kind of book are you browsing for today, Ivana?"
"I dunno. Maybe another summer romance book."
"Wonderful, do you need help browsing? I can help you."
"No thank you. I can manage."
"Okay. Let me know if you have help, okay?"
"Alright, thank you, Helena!" We exchange smiles and I walk away. As I was walking away, Helena whispered under her breath, "What a gorgeous girl..", probably thinking I couldn't hear her.
What an even more gorgeous woman, I thought, smiling.

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