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Waking up with 12 missed calls from Melis is no normal thing.
"What the hell." I groan, blinking my eyes at all her notifications.

I bet it's not even important, that girl just wants to make me worry, I thought, putting my phone back down.
But my phone wasn't down for long.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Beep.

"Whatever. Melis can wait until I feel like waking up."
The call switches to voicemail and a terrified-sounding Melis says,
"Vana! I know you're ignoring me, but you have to answer! It's about your dad!"

Suddenly my eyes gleamed wide open and I grab my phone from my desk, while trying to dial Melis.
I haven't seen my dad in ages, and now something supposedly happened to him? I'm worrying. Worrying a lot. Maybe too much...

"Oh my gosh Melis you fat pig answer the damn phone!!"
Yeah... I get angry when I'm worried...
I hope Melis never finds out about what I said, all we can do is hope.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Beep.

"Melis!! What happened!? Is everything okay!?"
"Vana. My mum told me your dad got... Hurt."
"Hurt? How hurt? Mel? What happened!? What happened to my dad!?"
"Well... Vana he just misses you! So much! He's hurt because he doesn't get to see you much anymore!"
"Oh Melis you dog! You really scared me!"
"Mission acomplished then!"

We laugh and talk for a bit, finally able to catch up on our lives.

"Hey, I have to go, I'm sorry! My parents wanna go out with me and my cousins for breakfast, I'll call you back if i have time, yeah?"
"Oh! That's fine. Family always comes first! Bye Bye Melis, enjoy!"
Melis gives a wave bye and smiles.


Now I'm all alone. Again. Then I re-realise what she said. About my dad. About how he apparently "misses" me? I can't not believe that, but I don't know if I do. That got my mind thinking. Thinking hard. Thinking hard enough to pick up my phone and ring my dad.

Ring. Ring. Beep.
That was a fast answer. Maybe he does miss me.

"Dad! Hi!"

"Look who it is, it's my only daughter!"

"Hey! Melis said you missed me, and honestly, I missed you too!"

"Of course I missed you! I know it may seem like I dont, but I promise, my baby, I miss you so much!"

"So-o-o... When're you visiting again? I know you're busy and all but I'm sure mum misses you too.."

"I don't know, honey. My boss is putting me under so much pressure, but I'm doing it for you and mum."

"Oh. I miss you, though."

"I miss you too. I have to go now, bye my Iva, I love you."

"Bye bye, papa, I love you too"


Poor dad. He's being put under so much stress and pressure at work, he can't come back here! Oh how much I wish he was here. I realise, I just had two calls, and I'm still in bed.

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