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Syverson growled against her mouth when he finally released her lips. "What are you doing to me?" He asks, his hands still on her body, roaming as his heart beat hard against his ribcage.

"I haven't done anything."

"It's dangerous for you to be here." He stated, groaning at the feeling of her hands on his bare chest. "Vi..."

"Why? Dangerous here in the desert? Or dangerous here, in your room?"

He chuckles softly at her assessment, pressing his forehead against hers as she rubbed his cock through the thin fabric of his shorts. It was already hard, aching to be enveloped by her warm pussy. "We can't."

"You want to," she states sweetly, moving her hand down to cup his balls, rubbing them gently as he hissed.

"I didn't say I didn't want to. I said we can't."

"Then make me leave." She nibbles his bottom lip playfully before slowly slipping her tongue into his mouth, taking her time exploring all its depths.

"If word got out about us, we'd both be in serious trouble, Vi."

"Please, Eddie..." she begs, and he slides his hand down from her waist, slipping it into her shorts as groans, reaching her pussy coated in arousal. "I can be quiet," she promises, pulling his cock from his shorts, wrapping her hand around it, and stroking slowly. "I promise..."

He inhales sharply as she runs her thumb over the tip of his cock, collecting the bead of precum. She brings it to her lips, licking her thumb clean. "Fuck..." He growls, pulling her shorts and panties down slightly, keeping her legs pressed together.

"What..." She whimpers as he presses his cock between her thighs, rubbing against her pussy and clit, coating his cock in her arousal. "Eddie."

"What did I say about calling me Eddie?" He hisses as she giggles softly and he continues to stroke his cock against her pussy, using her thighs as friction.

"No one else is around," she teases, wrapping her arms around his neck as his cock hit her clit over and over. "I want you inside me, Eddie, please," she whines as he shakes his head, sealing his mouth over hers.

"No," he spits as she moaned against his mouth as his beard scratched her face and he continued to stroke his cock between her thighs. "Your pussy is so hot," he groans, panting as he feels the orgasm building at the base of his spine. "Come on my cock, Vi."

Her moans build as she whines and he presses his hand over her mouth, stifling her before she wakes up the entire camp of men. He felt her body tense just before he felt a gush of her arousal drenching his cock with a groan. It was enough to spur his own orgasm as he pulled back slightly, stroking his cock as he shot cum onto her panties as she gasped.

He chuckled, pulling her panties up with her shorts. "Now, my sweet flower, you will go back to sleep with my cum in your panties and you'll be reminded that you're now mine."

She swallowed hard, watching him pull up his shorts in the darkness. "Yes, sir."

He growls, grabbing her arm to kiss her hard once more. "Don't come in here again. We can't be doing this."

"Sure," she offers as he groans, knowing she had no intention of obeying his order.

Once she is gone, he lays back on his bed, his heart still racing at their encounter as he silently reprimands himself for giving in. It was going to be a long deployment with Violet here with him now. As he rolled onto his side though, he couldn't help but imagine the possibility of a life back home with her. Settling down was always something he pushed to the back of his mind, never meeting a woman he would want to settle down or leave the military for before now.

Violet slipped back into the room she shared with the other men, climbing up to her bunk as quietly as possible, laying on her back for the longest time as she stared up at the dark ceiling. She had been in love with Eddie Syverson for a decade. She never imagined working under him or the possibility of him ever reciprocating them. She shook her head with a sigh. No, it was just sex to him. It had to be. They could never be more. At least not here...


Violet sensed the tension as the engineer asked where the workers Harper promised him were. "We offered them money, I don't know why there were no takers." Harper sighed, looking at the engineer.

"Because they're fucking lazy." She heard one of the other men spit as they all laughed and she shook her head.

"Or maybe, we are the ones that fucked up the pump and they don't trust the white men with guns," she countered angrily, kicking the sand at her feet.

Sy sighed, patting her shoulder to calm her down as he looked at Harper. "I'll take you to the sheikh this afternoon and introduce you. Maybe he can help." He glances back at Violet and the rest of the men. "And you guys will continue to distribute water like you have been for now."

Matt watches Sy's gaze linger on Violet's longer than anyone else's as she stared back at him, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He dropped his gaze to the ground with a sigh, not yet knowing how the implications of her sneaking into Sy's room the night before would have on the rest of the crew.

"Be careful," Vi whispered just loud enough for Sy to hear as he nodded to her before turning away.

He had wanted to squeeze her hand, to offer her some sort of small comfort, but he knew that it was ill-advised as he walked away, leaving them to do their daily routine of distributing water.

A Flower In The Desert ❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now