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I was driving home from Seattle, thinking to my self that I was just in the same room with Justin Bieber the hottest CEO of the United States Of America. I lost track of were I was because I was sitting in the drive way thinking out loud. Grabbing all of my stuff that was in the front seat I started to walk to the front door of our apartment. Just as I was walking into the apartment I was bombarded with question that Katie was asking.

"How was it? Was he hot? Was he serious? "

"Jesus Kate let me walk threw the door."

"Thank you for having him answer every question you are the best."

What is she talking about I thought to my self? He answered one question. Looking at what I have in my notebook that I brought with me to interview him there was a paper missing. He must have taken it when I wasn't looking.

"I am making a sandwich do u won't one?"I asked her as I walked into the kitchen.

"No I am good."

"So do u think he's hot?" Katie buzzed with a smile on her face.

"Kind of." I say back as I put the sandwich together and put it on the plate.

"Kind of what does that mean" she asked walking over to me in the kitchen putting her laptop down and then grabbing the sandwich I made.

" I thought you said you weren't hungry." I said to Kate.

"Well now I am." she said walking away.

She walked into her room and was doing something I looked at what was on her screen and they were pictures of Justin. okay yes he was hot, very hot I thought to my self.


I was working in the hardware store when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. looking at who it was it was my mom. I hit answer.

"Mom I'm at work can I call you back?"

"No wait I called for a reason."

"Bob broke his foot playing golf of all things."

"Christ is he okay? In a lot of pain?"

"Who knows? The man called the paramedics because of a blister. It means though, we won't be able to fly in for graduation"

"Really? You could just come alone, you don't have to bring Bob."

"And let tigger woods defend for himself.You understand don't you darling?"

"Yeah, yeah its fine."

"I really have to go, okay?"

"I love you Ana."

"I know I love you too."I said whispering in disappointment.

"Anna can you help me out in front."
Paul said to me.

"Um yah I will be right there." I said to him I as I put the last box of washers on a hook. I grabbed a price gun and headed out as I was turning the corner of the ail... there stood Justin Bieber.

"I thought that was you." he said with a bright smilie on his face

"What the fuck."

"What a pleasant surprise Miss Steele."Justin said to me walking closer and closer.

"It's Ana, just Ana. You're in here..."I whispered to him.

"I was in the area on business,needed to pick up a few things." He said as he looked down at me.

"Are you free?" He asked

"Yeah What can I help you with?"i asked a little nervous.

"Do you stock cable ties?"he asked looking around.

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