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1 year ago


In the opulent confines of her lavishly decorated room, Vishakha's frustration reached a crescendo. She paced back and forth, her movements erratic, her mind a tempest of emotions.

"Why is this happening to me now? I hate this! I hate him, that bastard!" Her voice ricocheted off the walls, laden with anger and bitterness.

Outside her chamber, Trisha, her sister-in-law, sensed the turmoil. Knocking gently, she called out, concern etched in her voice, "Vish, come out. What are you doing in there? Why all this commotion? Please, Vishakha, come out."

But Vishakha's anguish was too consuming to heed Trisha's plea. "Bhabhi, you go away! Leave me alone! GO!" She shouted, seizing a nearby vase and hurling it to the ground, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

Collapsing onto her bed, Vishakha buried her face in her hands. Tears, born of frustration and despair, streamed down her cheeks, mirroring the chaos within her soul.

Witnessing the turmoil, Trisha knew she needed to seek aid beyond her own. Only Vishakha's brother could quell this storm. With a worried glance, she reached for her phone and dialed her husband, Rehan.

Within moments, Rehan materialized at his sister's door, his heart heavy with concern. "Princess, what's happened? Open the door, Vish. Let me in. Talk to me," he implored, his voice laced with urgency and love.

With a click, the door yielded to Rehan's touch, revealing a scene of disarray. Vishakha stood before him, her countenance a mask of anger and pain. The room bore witness to her inner turmoil, strewn with the remnants of her outburst.

Rehan approached his sister cautiously, his heart breaking at the sight of her distress. Gently, he cupped her face in his hands, wiping away her tears, enveloping her in a tender embrace.

But Vishakha recoiled, her eyes blazing with fury. "Don't touch me, you bastard! You've made my life a living hell! Get out!" Her words pierced the air like daggers, leaving Rehan stunned and wounded.

Never before had Vishakha lashed out at him with such venom. Rehan's heart ached as he beheld his sister's anguish, a pain he could scarcely bear. He glanced at Trisha, her shock mirroring his own, realizing the depth of Vishakha's torment.

As the gravity of the situation settled upon them, Rehan vowed to stand by his sister, to weather this storm together, no matter the cost. And amidst the shattered remnants of her outburst, he whispered words of comfort, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

In the aftermath of Vishakha's outburst, an air of mystery enveloped the scene, shrouding it in uncertainty and intrigue. Rehan stood before his sister, his demeanor calm yet tinged with an enigmatic intensity that hinted at hidden depths.

"Vishakha," he began, his voice a low murmur that seemed to carry an unspoken weight, "there's more to this than meets the eye."

Vishakha's gaze flickered up briefly, a fleeting glimpse of curiosity flashing in her eyes before she masked it behind a veil of indifference. She remained silent, her guard firmly in place, but Rehan could sense the wheels turning in her mind, the unspoken questions lingering in the air like a whispered secret.

"We can't keep ignoring the truth," Rehan continued, his tone measured, deliberate. "You're not alone in this, Vish. But we need to know what's really going on."

But Vishakha remained stoic, her silence a cloak of mystery that seemed to defy interpretation. It was as if she held the key to a puzzle whose pieces lay scattered in the shadows, waiting to be unveiled.

Trisha watched from the sidelines, her intuition whispering of unseen forces at play. She knew Rehan possessed a depth of understanding that transcended mere words, a sixth sense that guided him through the labyrinth of human emotions.

"Vishakha, please," Trisha urged softly, her voice a gentle plea tinged with a hint of urgency. "Whatever it is that's troubling you, we can face it together. But you have to trust us."

But Vishakha remained silent, her secrets locked away behind a fortress of silence. It was as if she were a riddle wrapped in a mystery, her true intentions veiled in shadows that refused to be penetrated.

Rehan sighed, his expression a mask of resignation tinged with determination. He knew unraveling Vishakha's secrets would be no easy task, but he was prepared to delve into the depths of her mystery, whatever the cost.

"We'll give you some time, Vish," he said finally, his voice a quiet promise that echoed in the stillness of the room. "But remember, we're here whenever you're ready to reveal the truth."

With that, Rehan turned to leave, his footsteps echoing faintly in the silence that lingered behind him. As he disappeared into the shadows, the mystery of Vishakha's silence hung heavy in the air, a tantalizing enigma that begged to be solved.


Hey so this is the first chapter of this story do tell me your thoughts about this

What do you think what happened to vishakha that she is behaving like that 🤔

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts will see you in the next chapter goodbye sweethearts ❤️

464 words a small chapter

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