Ancestors Ch 1

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It's so lonely; I don't think I'll get over it. His blood, all of it draining down. I don't know why I was spared. My legs hurt so much, but I can't stop now. People need to know his legacy.

Why is everything so cruel?


She made her way through the caves of the Mother Grub. She had to flee. The others don't get it. Aren't tenders of the brooding caverns supposed to help all

grubs? Why was this one any different? Why was he any different? It sounded like the others were giving chase. If she could just make it to her quarters and

out of there then maybe-

There were people blocking her room. She ran, nicking her arm on one of the stalactites and spilling jade blood onto the floor. Not being able to stop, she ran. She ran and ran right out of the caverns and into the desert sun. The poor wriggler squealed out in pain as the rays hit its carapace. Ripping a cloth off of her work dress, she covered the poor squealing thing. Her old hive wasn't too far off, so that's where she headed. Maybe she could grab something there before word is sent out of her escape.


"Hey, Dolorosa?" a weak voice called out.

"Yes, Kankri?" The Dolorosa responded.

"Could you tell me of how you escaped the brooding caverns again?"

"I told that to you last dawn, silly. Do you want anything for midnight sustenance?"

"No, I was going to get something from Katzen. He likes giving me food, and his lusus is super fluffy!" he exclaimed, telling of the outside wonders.

"Have you been going into other trolls' hives like I told you not to?" she inquired of him.

"No, his lusus just goes outside a lot. She likes to keep track of him, a lot."

"Well, just be careful, and don't wander too far. And don't go outside without me young man." The older troll turned back to the counter putting away some things into her bag.

"Talida says someone else was living in this hive before I moved in. They were wondering what my lusus was," he paused for a second thinking. "Why don't I have a lusus? It seems like ever- allbody I know has some sort of cust- cust- lusus."

"You had it the first time with everybody, and it's custodian, young spurt. You'll get it right next time."

"Well why don't I have one?" Kankri persisted.

"It's complicated. I might tell you when you're older," the Dolorosa explained, not wanting to go through this quite yet.

His face contorts into a frustrated and angry expression, "You've always said that and I want to know now. You said 'when I'm older' a long time ago and now I'm older. I want to know why I'm different!" he shouted, raising his voice beyond a reasonable level.

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