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-Vance POV-

We were walking around our old neighborhood, since Liz was hoping to meet some old friends. We did see Ren, Bruce's older brother. He's doing well, unlike many of our friends, including us...

When we passed my old house, I decided to walk faster, just in case. While Liz slowed down, because she saw her house too. We were neighbors, of course. I remember always sneaking to her window and taking her out for dates, even while her mother yelled at her not to get in the car with me. She definitely got a beating later, but she didn't care, she had me to rely on for comfort.

"Woah, slow down..." Liz laughed.

"Sorry, it's just-"

"Well...If it isn't my boy Vincent." I heard an unfortunately familiar voice behind me.

"We're going now, Victor." I kept walking.

"Well don't you want to say hi to your pops?"

"You're not my pops."

"Oh I sure am."

I turned around, walking up to him. I was losing my patience quickly with this guy.

"How? How the hell are you my dad?"

"C'mon...You know we've got the same temper."

"I'm never going to be like you." I hissed.

"Too late for that, kid. Didn't you hurt Liz's wrist? Yell at your kids? Get drunk till you couldn't feel a thing anymore? Smoke? C'mon...it's like looking in a mirror."

I flinched. In front of him, I actually flinched.

"After all...You have my eyes."

"Shut up, Victor."

He pushed me. And for the first time, I actually pushed him back. He was the only person I was actually scared of since I saw Jack get a beating for the first time.

He just stared, surprised, but amused.

"Huh...You're not so little anymore, are you?" He laughed.

I just scoffed, turning around.

"Guess your momma was right, you do have anger issues."

I immediately turned around again, punching him in the nose.

He stumbled, then laughed like a crazy guy. "You know what, go hit a kid, or something." I turned, walking towards Liz.

"Go solve your problems and have a beer like your old man."

I stopped for a moment, turning around for the hundredth time. "You're a sick guy, man..." Then kept walking with Liz.

"He's wrong, you know." Liz assured me.

"Not so sure about that..."

"You should be. The difference between you and him is that you're not abusive. So what if you accidentally hurt my wrist once or twice? You don't hit me, you've never thrown anything at me, and if you even come close you apologize three hundred times at least."

I laughed.

"Yeah I didn't take Vance Hopper for a right away apology guy."

"Shut up..." I chuckled.

"And that getting drunk problem? You got over that, remember?"

"Yeah, with your help."

"Did your mom try to help Victor?"


"Meaning he kept stuff from her. You don't keep anything from me."

"You're right...Thanks, Liz..."

𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - (sequel to 𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 - 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now