Prank [SC]

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Panycc and Plague had been bored out of their minds all day, for once, Panycc was NOT trying to steal Plague's supply of strangely glowing glass and Plague was not trying to defend it. Though they were still arguing about what music should be playing, as per usual. They settled on the soundtrack to "How to Train Your Dragon" after a while.

"I'm bored." Panycc drawled, giving up on the crotchet they were doing, it turns out that long clawed hands are unfortunately not ideal for crotchet.

Plague hummed in a half conscious agreement, being almost completely zoned out staring at the stained glass window of the castle attic. "Sorry, what was that?" He blinked, coming back to the land of the living.

"I said I'm bored." Panycc groaned, rolling their many MANY eyes.

"Oh, I thought you said something else- anyway, yeah me too." Plague responded, still staring at the stained window.

"So, are we going to do anything about that? I swear I'll like, implode or something if I cant do anything soon." The magpie said in an exaggerated tone, acting like it was the end of the world.

"I mean, have you seen Steel around? I meant to ask him something earlier, just slipped my mind-" Plague questioned.

There was a long pause, where *was* Steelhelm? Probably out defending the Helmpire or something along those lines, y'know, important things.

"Uhh, I dunno but he's usually back in around 20 minutes?" Panycc smiled. It's very hard to tell if their smiles are the friendly type or the 'I'm going to kill you' type, but Plague had gotten used to figuring out if it was one or the other.

"Neat. Anyway, d'ya wanna to do something stupid?" Plague piped up, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

This piqued Panycc's interest, their featherlike ears perking up like a cats would. 

"Like what?" They figured that whatever this 'something stupid' was, it would be fun, Plague's 'something stupid' ideas always were.

"Oh y'know, just a harmless prank or something." Plague grinned.

"But we do those *all* the time!" Panycc complained, pretending that the world was ending again.

"On Steelhelm-" Plague added to his previous sentence, watching as Panycc practically lit up at the wonderfully stupid idea.


Steelhelm, who had come back to the Helmpire after a long day of being "The One and Only" wandered through the Helmpire's central plaza, the residents happily waving as he went past. The daily scene of Panycc and Plague squabbling about what to eat at the cafe was missing, Tetsuya was relieved about that at least.

He creaked the heavy castle door open, the bucket that Panycc and Plague had balanced upon the door fell, spilling water everywhere, and colliding with the man's helmet with a metallic "GONG" sound. He was not impressed.

A cacophony of chittering and laughter followed as water(?) dripped off of Steel's helmet, a puddle forming where he stood.

Steelhelm sighed before trudging over to a chalkboard that read 'Days since trouble caused by Panycc and/or Plaguepuppy' smearing off the number '17' with his wet sleeve and replacing it with a '0'

What a day.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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