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I wake up with y/n's arms cradled around me, as much as I didnt want to leave her, in the end I had to. I had to meet up with a couple of my close friends for lunch, and it was already 11:00 am.

I quickly write a note to y/n so she's not confused when she wakes up and I'm not there.


I wish I could have stayed and cuddled with you until you awoke, but unfortunately I had to meet with some friends I haven't seen in a while. I hope you understand, I'll see you later.

Love, your sweet Taylor ❤️

I set the note down on her dining table downstairs with some flowers, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and changed out of my pjs.

I get into my ride and we head to the lunch spot we liked going to.

Before we knew it, we arrived at lunch/Café. I opened the door to paparazzi storming me and Selena.

"Taylor, who was the girl you were with last night? What relation does she have to you?"

"Taylor, how have you been lately?"

"Swift, have you found a new boyfriend yet?"

We were barraged with questions, I wanted to answer them, but I know I couldn't.

We walk into the restaurant, away from the crowd in a more calm environment.

"Taylor..? What did that woman mean by, 'who was that girl you were with last night?'." She asks politely.

"I mean you went to an award show with them.. right? They should know who they are..?"

"No Selena, it's different.." I say quietly.

"What do you mean, Taylor?"

"I can't tell you here, I'll tell you in the car.." I tell Selena.

"What can I get for you ladies!" The waiter comes up interrupting us.

"I'll have a water for now, thank you!" I say.

"I'll have the same!" Selena smiles at the waiter.

"Alright I'll be back with that for you!" She smiles and walks away.

We sent the rest of lunch eating and talking about the most random stuff.

We finally pay, walk passed the paparazzi, and get into the vehicle.

"Me and the 'girl' have something going on between us.." I tell Selena as soon as the car door shuts.

"What do you mean by that..?"

"I'm in love with her.." I took a deep breath before telling her.

"Aw Taylor... really?!" She immediately comforts me, letting me know she supports me.

"Yeah..we met a while ago when I was on my tour.." I smiled fidgeting with my fingers.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you Taylor!" She smiles pulling me into a hug.

"We haven't made anything official yet.." I say in a quieter tone.

"But I would like you to meet her!" I say bring up the mood.

"That's ok, I'd love to meet her, you seem so happy! So I'm sure she's a great person!" Selena tells me.

I look down at my phone, which started vibrating.

               Y/N CALLING...

ANWSER                     DECLINE


"Hold on I need to answer this.." I say to Selena.

I answer the call waiting for y/n's voice.

"Taylor? Where'd you go..?" Y/n asks.

"Im sorry, I had to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a while, I left a note and some flowers on your dining table.." I assured her.

"Oh! Don't apologize I just got worried! I didn't go downstairs yet.." she chuckled.

I laugh with her.

"You're so cute!" I tell her.

"Aw Taylor! The note.. I just read it! I love you!"

"Do you like it..?" I question turning bright red.

"Of course it's so sweet!" Y/n excitedly replies to me.

"Hey..is it ok if I bring my friend over to meet you..? I've told her about us, and she'd love to meet you!" I ask nervously.

"I'd be thrilled to meet her!"

"Well we're almost at your place so..."

"Ok see you soon!"

There was a pause.

"Love you..." y/n tells me.

"Bye, love you too!" I say back hanging up.

"you two are so cute!" Selena tells me hearing our conversation.

I giggled and blushed.

"Thank you!"

I open the car door and step out onto y/n's driveway.

I ring the doorbell with Selena right beside me.

"Hi!" Y/n invites us in after opening the door and pulling me into a big hug then hugging Selena after.

Y/n and Selena talked, getting to know each other, as I watched my friend and the girl I'm in love with getting along, I pet y/n's cat smiling at them.


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