I hate her.

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" Ellaaaaaaaa " I said hanging out the ' a ' , she still didn't answer?
" ELLA " I said " AH WHAT!?" She said
" you keep staring at my brother!" I said
" oh I'm sorry bill!" She said looking down to her hands.

Me and ella have been friends since birth, our mothers are close , basically like sisters!

Me and Ella would always hang out , she was my best friend but sometimes my idiot brother would get in the way of that.

He would flirt with Ella than make out with girls in front of her, Ella still loved him tho..
I didn't have a choice but to live with it, if I stopped being friends with her I would cry every day because she means so much to me.

I wonder I mean the same to her..?

Tom's game with Ella has been going around since she was 14 years old.
Right now we're 15 years old.

Next week Ella goes off to L.A for a while , how long? I have no clue but I'll see her soon.

Ella had nice wavy brown hair and wonderful green eyes , she had a hourglass shaped body with a normal size of boobs and ass.
Ella would sometimes come out to me out of nowhere and ask me to un-do her bra or ask me how a shirt stuck to her body fits her , which makes me red every time.

" Ella wanna go to my room?" I asked since we were in the living room " sure!" She smiled
I smiled back and grabbed her hand and ran upstairs. The time was 8:49pm.

We went into my room and she jumped on my bed , me and Tom had to share a room but luckily it was a big room. I called it my room when Tom wasn't there plus we each had our own separate beds.
She grabbed the controller and turned on the TV
" what do you wanna watch?" She asked me
" something scary!" I smiled
" but we hate scary movies!" She said
" it's a challenge for us!" I smiled
She nodded and put on ' Evil dead rise ' on.

The movie had a scary cover on which was very creepy.
I sat down next to her and we started watching the movie.
A few minutes in there was already a jump scare.


I flinched but it wasn't bad, Ella sure did , she flinched hard and grabbed onto my shirt.

" woah there Ella " I laughed
" s-sorry!" She stuttered " it's okay" I smiled

- - 40 mins later - -
As I was watching the movie , I realized that Ella was still grabbing my shirt but with her arm around me. She hasn't flinched since the last time.
I looked over at her and she was sleeping.
I smiled and put my hand on her cheek and started caressing her cheek with my thumb.

She had one arm wrapped around my waist and the other on her left cheek.
I laid my head on hers and turned off the TV , I let my hand go from her cheek and got a blanket,
I put the blanket over us than went back into the position I was in before.

- in the morning -
I woke up to Tom brushing his teeth in the bathroom, I saw that ella was on me and her head was to the side of my neck , I immediately turned red because my hands her on her lower back thighs near her ass.


I told feel her breath and lips on my neck which made me turned red-er.
One of her hands were on my neck and the other was on my right arm.
Her legs were curled up to my sides as she slept.

" woah there " Tom laughed
" Tom stop , you know she loves you " I whispered " well I don't love
her , I hate her" Tom laughed.
I stood quiet as Tom left the room.

" he hates me that much?" Ella said

She. Was. Awake.

" I'm sorry El " I said , ' El ' was a nickname I called her , which we both loved.

" no I'm sorry , I mean look at us , I'm on top of you right now " Ella laughed
" I guess so " I laughed as well.

Ella got off me and I saw a tear fall down.

" I'll be right back " Ella said as her voice was cracking up " oh okay " I said

She got up and went over to the bathroom.

It had been a few minutes that Ella was in the bathroom so I decided to get up and ask her what was wrong or if something was wrong.

I stood up and started walking over to the bathroom.

I put my head against the door and heard sniffs.

What's. wrong.

I quickly opened the door and saw Ella on the floor..with a blade in a her and bleeding cuts all over her wrists.

Writers note
Thank y'all so much for all the support on my other book ' The beginning ' I really appreciate it so much🫶🏼 I hope you guys like this book so please enjoy!!

Also I deleted the gustav one because I had no and I mean no idea what to write. That's why I didn't post much on their , and also because the was working on ' The beginning ' and a plot for a new story which is this one.


Words -901

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