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Hey! it's my first time writing a letter, I hope you don't mind. I wanted to talk to you but I find you somehow intimidating, well since I don't have the courage to talk to you so i'm sending letters. Okay, so first of all I'm not telling you who I am. Welp, this took a lot of my pride. You better have something good for me in the early future HAHA.

You know, when I first saw you I thought you have really pretty eyes, not to mention those long lashes rawr. It's so pretty, no you're pretty... pretty handsome? yes. indeed.

I hope you read this since you'll recieve more from me just wait, I won't stop sending you letters and gifts. Well I guess that's just who I am? eh? You know you really caught my attention Jungwon-siii. Maybe it's your eyes? I have a fetish for pretty eyes and attractive voice you know, and seemed like you passed since I have taken a liking to you.

Wait did I just wrote that? that was suppose to be a secret till a few more days, guess I already exposed myself. Yes I like you Jungwon! I hope you won't mind me admiring you from afar! That's all good day! till the next letter.


Letter to Jungwon || YJW ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant