woops i forgot to post chapter 2 here

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this is the only time that hypnotism tag comes into play guys dw


King realizes he just got shot by an arrow and doesn't feel like he's in pain even though he is. And then he gets tied up and is almost sold on the black market.

but,, oh?? whats this?? here comes a guy hungry for souls !!


okay so i forgor to mention but this fic starts like- kind of around ep 3 bc the commandments are back but like if ban decided to stay for just a bit longer before leaving to the fairy kings forest since he was here in chap 1

also im rewatching season three of sds and like- monspeet is voiced by the same guy as zhongli from genshin impact and i just find that really funny

ʚĭɞ — ʚĭɞ

It was an arrow. 

Tipped with poison.

King turned to face where the arrow had come from, looking dazed as it rushed through his body. There was a pair of humans, haphazardly climbing down a tree in their haste and sprinting towards him. By the time he regained his senses, he realized that one of them had pulled his arms behind him and was tying them up with rope, and the other one had ripped the arrow right out of the back of his neck after deeming that the poison had done its work.

Once the dull ringing slowly left his ears, King could hear one of them saying something, though it was muffled. "I told you it'd work, █████ ! That guy in that shop may have looked like a total hack fraud, but we just caught a fairy using that crystal he gave us!"

The other human, the one with the ropes, looked skeptical of that idea, and decided to voice their opinion, poking a finger between King's shoulder blades, although he could hardly feel it. "Are you sure this thing's a fairy, ███████ ? It may've been flying around but this little freak's got no wings in sight." 

He felt slightly offended by the words the one who tied him up was saying, but couldn't really remember why when he suddenly saw the crystal again, having been pushed forward to face it, and felt his thoughts melt away as he stared at it.

"Heh. It can't even look away from the thing. And yeah , I'm sure it's a fairy, Lem. You see any humans ever wear this kinda thing, or carry around some stupid pillow like that? And once again, it was flying . You see any humanoids besides fairies flyin' around these days?"

"Ugh.. I guess you're right, Mix. I just don't really see much potential pay coming from this if we end up selling it." They sighed, turning to look at their friend with an exasperated look on their face as they turned back to the apparent 'thing' that they'd caught with that strange gem.

King sighed passively, the sound shaky as he looked deep into the heavy crack in the middle of the crystal, where many sharp, shimmery points had formed in it. He'd barely even realized it when he began to see black spots fill up his vision and replace parts of the object in front of him, but also dully felt where the human's grip had slackened, causing the knot that they were tying in the rope to fall apart, having been left unfinished. 

He fell back, dropping like a deadweight on the ground next to the humans as he continued to try to stare up at the crystal but all he could see was the blur of the light emanating from it.

Right before his consciousness faded away completely, he saw two souls slip from the humans bodies and into someone's armored hands, and then he finally passed out.

ʚĭɞ — ʚĭɞ

that epic me moment when i turn lemon and mixtape into disposable characters for this fic real

sorry bros,, but yall were the first names i thought of for this role lmao (and i didnt feel like putting in the effort of making names for characters i literally just killed)

anyways next chapter gets zeldris pov real

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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