Killing Me Softly

10 3 2

Song: Killing Me Softly With His Song; Any Cover

Ice clinked together and against the glass of Dorian's drink. Normally it provided some catharsis, hearing that sharp cling of ice swirling in amber, but now it was abstractly reminiscent of the sounds of bones breaking. Bones he broke earlier in the night. It's not the sound that bothered him, in fact he felt nothing about hurting another. What bothered him was that at this moment, the once comforting noise offered him nothing.

He sat at the bar on the outside patio of a Japanese restaurant perched atop a skyscraper, where some extravagant party was going on. Tables were moved to give guests more room to wander and dance, with designated locations for sitting so they could eat. One section of the outdoor patio was divided by shoji divider screens, walls, and doors with a bouncer lingering about.

Dorian hated these kinds of parties. He had come from wealth, lived in wealth, but grew to hate high society. The tiresome bragging about their vacations. How where they went is absolutely THE spot of the year or their incessant boasting of racked up wealth, money they stole but were too afraid to admit it. At least Dorian had the bravery to admit he was a thief. But along with the superficiality, was the deeper depths of high society: Scandals, lies, and all the swept up bullshit.

He spun on his stool to observe the crowd. Seeing one man with his arm around his wife, but flying wanting eyes towards another woman sitting with her husband, who returned his suggestive gaze. Suits pulling each other aside to fake a pleasant conversation filled with veiled threats of exposing closets full of skeletons. He swiped his tongue along his bottom teeth, downing the rest of his whiskey and slamming it on the counter.

He really fucking hated these kinds of parties.

"Another two shots of whiskey, this time neat if you'd be so kind, dear'." He spun back around and motioned to the bartender.

In seconds the beautiful bartender slid her drink over, and Dorian dropped a hundred, "Keep the change."

His hands reached into the pocket of his suit jacket, searching for his zippo. He pulled out the silver block, his thumb brushing over the vintage decals carved into it. Looking at it, he started to crave for the cigarettes in his other pocket. smoking allowed, even though they're already outside. He groaned, took a sip of his whiskey, and continued to thumb his lighter, occasionally flicking it around his fingers.

The clasp of a clutch bag clanked onto the counter, which broke Dorian's attention from his zippo. In a fluid motion, Dorian flicked the silver lighter closed and gave a look to who was sitting next to him. A lithe frame draped in a cocktail dress hanging off her arms, clinging seductively to her curves. Her black hair was styled in some form of locs, golden hair clips decorating them. A silver chain draped her slender neck, falling low with a diamond hovering just above her breasts. Her angular face possessed an air of refinement, divine beauty, and sadness.

"Syrah, please, whatever your best is." She ordered, her breath exasperated and thick with a French accent.

"Put that on my tab, and any more she might order." Dorian chimed in with a tune in his voice, looking to hopefully make this woman's night better.

The woman paused, looking straight ahead while an amused smile carved onto her dark lips. The bartender slid the drink her way, and this ethereal beauty turned to face Dorian, wine in one hand, her chin resting against the other, "Quite the gentleman."

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