Bad Idea

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Song: Bad Idea; Arin Ray; feat. Blxst

April 6th, Spring

A cacophony of voices and honking horns filled the city air as Chloè sat on a bench right outside FBI headquarters. Mindlessly she swiped through social media to pass the time while waiting for Angela, Kephri, and her husband.

Pictures of her friends, memes, and whatever advertisement the algorithm felt would best fit her cascaded on her screen as her thumb kept swiping, and swiping, and swiping. The pad of her finger pressed against the search bar. She tried to convince herself it was an accident; that she meant to press her profile icon, messages—anything but the search bar.

The top slots on her history drop down was the name "Dorian" and variations of it. Last night once she returned home, she hid herself away in the bathroom for a spell trying to find this mysterious man she met, searching every social media platform she had. She tried to find him again earlier this morning while having coffee, after Elias had already left.

She sat frozen, thumb hovering and burning eyes locked onto her screen. For the fifteenth-hundred-thousandth time, she clicked on that six letter word. In a second a wash of random people filled her screen, none of which were the dashingly handsome black haired beauty she craved. She shook her head and closed the app, burying her phone in her purse.

Backed up cars, crowds of people, and rich green trees would serve as a distraction. She began to count the cars backed up, remembering their color. Two silver, three white, one red, maybe if you look one more time you'll find him.

"Chloè!" The voice of Angela pierced through her thoughts, something she was thankful for.

Eagerly she looked toward the blonde, who had recently cut her hair to just above her shoulders. She wore a black shirt, gray pants, black boots and still had on her white coat; something she did frequently. Either a lapse in her memory, or perhaps to take advantage of discounts to doctors offered by some places

"Angela!" She forced herself to meet the warmth of Angela's greeting as the doctor lowered herself next to the ballerina, "Kephri and Elias on their way?"

"Soon, they were on a call with Director Chase and Deputy Director Stone, but Kephri texted me this twenty minutes ago."

Angela had become her closest friend in the past several years, even being the maid of honor at her wedding. Kephri, who often worked with Elias on cases, was also Angela's girlfriend. The two of them have been dating for three years. Often the four of them would go out for dinner, lunch, events, and parties. At least...when all four of them could attend. Lately, due to Elias' absence, it was just the three of them.

In response, Chloè gave a series of shallow nods. Angela didn't let too much time pass before she perked up, "How was the party last night? Did Elias show?"

"It was..." A pause while moments of Dorian holding her flooded every space of her mind. Memories of the two moving close for a kiss, a stolen moment. A smile crept onto her face, "It wasn't... horrible . Elias was late, but he managed to show actually.

"Later is better than never, I suppose."

The two passed the time in pleasant conversation, Chloè gave very little details about last night. Sticking to when Elias was there and avoiding any mentions of Dorian. Ten minutes passed between the two best friends until Kephri and Elias finally arrived.

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