What you shouldn't post on social media

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Your online presence can have a lasting impact, so it's important to make mindful choices. Here are some big sister tips on what not to post:

Personal Information: Never share your full address, phone number, or any other sensitive personal information. This can protect you from potential identity theft or other online risks.

Location in Real Time: Avoid posting your exact location in real time. It's best not to broadcast your whereabouts, as this could compromise your safety.

Confidential Information: Don't share private or confidential information about yourself or others. This includes financial details, passwords, or anything that could be used against you.

Offensive Content: Refrain from posting content that could be offensive, discriminatory, or disrespectful to any individual or group. It's important to treat others with kindness and consideration.

Inflammatory or Controversial Topics: While it's great to express your opinions, be cautious when discussing sensitive topics like religion, politics, or controversial social issues. These discussions can sometimes escalate into unnecessary conflicts.

Complaints About Work or School: Avoid venting frustrations or negative experiences about your workplace, school, or colleagues. This can come back to haunt you and affect your professional or academic relationships.

Inappropriate Photos or Content: Be mindful of the photos and content you share. Avoid posting anything explicit, inappropriate, or compromising, as it could have negative consequences for your reputation.

Oversharing Personal Problems: While it's okay to seek support from friends, be careful about oversharing personal problems or airing all your grievances on social media. Maintain a balance between being open and respecting your own privacy.

Every Detail of Your Routine: Posting every minute detail of your daily routine can make you vulnerable to potential threats. It's good to share, but maintain a sense of mystery and keep some aspects of your life private.

Fake News or Misinformation: Sharing unverified information or fake news can contribute to the spread of misinformation. Always fact-check before sharing news or information.

Engaging with Trolls or Haters: Responding to negative comments or engaging with trolls can often escalate situations. It's better to ignore or block such individuals rather than getting involved in unnecessary conflicts.

Over-the-Top Bragging: While it's okay to share achievements, excessive bragging can come across as arrogant or insincere. Be humble and share your successes in a balanced way.

Remember, the internet has a long memory, and once something is posted, it can be challenging to completely erase it. Your online presence is a reflection of your character, so strive to maintain a positive and respectful image. If in doubt, take a moment to think before you post – it can save you a lot of potential trouble down the road. Stay safe and make wise choices!

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