Chapter 17: 2 Years Later/Graduation

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Nothing insane happened for 2 years. Everyone just lived a normal life.

"I can't believe we're graduating today!" Bluey said

"I know, isn't it insane?" Kenzie said

"Yeah, first we thought we were gonna die when that fucking ferret attacked, then a bunch of our friends were attacked because of homophobia, then you did die cuz of that semi, but you started breathing again. Me and you have been dating for 6 years, same with Bingo and Lila, Jack and Rusty have been dating for 4 years now. You know, I think I might miss school." Bluey said

"Is everyone ready? The ceremony starts in 5 minutes." The VP of the school said. Everybody gave a thumbs up.

*After the ceremony,*

"So, does anyone have any plans for the rest of their lives?" Coco asked

"Well, I hope to just have a happy life." Said Mackenzie

"Ditto." Bluey said.

"Well, I hope to get married to a great man. Preferably Jack, but that might not work out." Rusty said

"You are both 18 so you can legally get married." Chloe said

"Hey Rusty, can I tell you something?" Jack said

"Yeah, anything!" Rusty said

"I love you." Jack said

"I love you too." Rusty replied

"Anyways, I always have. since the second I laid my eyes on you the first time we met, I knew we were meant to be together. But when Mackenzie died for that short bit, and we were all crying, I huddled up right beside you. That's when I realized that I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Jack got down on one knee

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