New Life

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     " In the joy of others lies our own "    

           - Pramukh Swami Maharaj

             It was a saturday morning, Result reliesed on that day and i got distriction at the end of  High School,

after 12th exams...That school time those Teachers and their notes, another world around the benches and window, sharing lunch and punishment with friends. That's all just left behind Me.

         However that seemed like happy ending of black and white movie, and Beginning of another life and that's the collage life, I think its evolution of school..,new building, modern Teachers  with their "who Cares !!!" mentality, Sports ground replaced by garden.,"chana-chor-garam" replaced by sandwiches, Here, Canteen was the new Library, Uniforms replaced by Jeans, Behaviour becomes attitude, Hair styles beomes horrible, New people with their comman subtitle that.." i have an attitude"...But, But the most important things were the New Friends,senty,stupid with their dangerous jokes and but very helpful, in short limited addition of idiots

              One month Two months Six months!!! yaa, Six months passed away ,but i didn't feel comfy, It was like "Test Match Cricketer" put down into "T20 cricket", Alone in crowd, everything went faster than my thoughts, everyone here was in the race to get first...."ohh come On, obviously it was about girls neither about mark and ranks...after all we came outside the womb of Commerce", everyone thinks its coolest to make a girl your friend        (and then make "your" disappear from the previouse three words) and talk to her like your mouth was shut for years, take her on date, spend money on her which you didn't dared to spend on your own, even my friends were in the flow.., but I wasn't, don't know why, may be i was a bit shy,  I mean I am but at that time i was little more and that was a time when I Blamed my School teachers as they weren't letting us talk with girls (nither we were interested, blame on us too)..!!! 

Any way, I am Manthan Modi from Ahmedabad, A boy who always be apart from crowd, who find happiness in silly things, believe in God and prayer...!!! It is said to Be that, Everything happans for some reason, Truth And Goodness Always wins..,is that True ??? May be...or not?? Let's see...,Let's get Back to my Collage days!!!....


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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