Chap- 01

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-  Aoi, stand next to Lee Know! Soo-Jin shouted, pointing to a spot behind him.

I obeyed his order and moved closer to him.

I was in a JYP studio in South Korea revising the choreography for the new songs by the idol Lee Know, for whom I was the lead dancer.

I auditioned for a group in Seoul when I was 16 and was placed with him because I danced so well. I'm now 20 and I was very well known internationally for having danced with some of the biggest names in K-pop, such as BTS and Blackpink.

- Put your hand on his shoulder! came the voice of the choreographer analysing the scene.

I raised my head to look in Lee Know's direction and saw that he didn't flinch when I gently placed my hand on his shoulder.

- That's good! Let's do it again!

I moved away from Lee Know with pleasure as I wasn't very comfortable in his presence. He was older than me and more experienced, which also contributed to my discomfort. We repeated the choreography until Soo-Jin declared herself satisfied.

- Let's go for a drink and then we'll film the MV, suggested Lee Know as he opened a bottle of water.

I went into the changing rooms and wiped my forehead with a towel.

Lee Know was very kind to his dancers. This contrasted with the cold attitude that never left him.

I think this is due to the dissolution of Stray Kids, because before, he smiled all the time.

About ten minutes later, we filmed the MV.

Lee Know had changed into a half-open white shirt, revealing his pale upper torso. His chestnut hair was disheveled, falling in front of his eyes. He'd even added a touch of red to his lips, which suited him perfectly.

My jaw dropped when I saw him. 

He was drop-dead gorgeous.

He swept the room with his usual icy gaze and took a seat in a chair in the middle of a messy office decor. He was going to play a mysterious, sexy boss, a role that suited him perfectly.

I was wearing a black dress that showed off my curves, and the hairdresser had left my black hair down. She'd also done my makeup in silver, which brought out my blue eyes.

- We are ready to start now, the cameraman announced. Lee know, look tired but still seductive.

- OK, agreed the Idol, striking the right pose. 

After this scene we went outside to film another one, but we had to wait until nightfall.

Lee Know was still wearing his beautiful shirt and torn blue jeans. We were in the streets of Seoul and he was leaning against a lamppost.

- No, there's something missing! said the director after two or three takes.

His group came up with some ideas, that he rejected.

- No! Not that! he repeated, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

I was at the back of the stage with the other dancers, but I was the only one wearing a black dress.

- You! he shouted, suddenly turning to look at me. Come here!

God forbid anything should happen to me! Why did it have to be me?

I looked around, lost, but no one wanted to help me. Lee Know just turned his head to look at the sky.

I walked over to him and asked in a low voice, tugging at my dress with a prayer that it would stretch a little:

I'm the Charmer [Lee Know]Where stories live. Discover now