Chap- 02

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- So Aoi? What would you like to order? asked Jinae who was sitting to my right.

I looked at the menu and decided to have what she had.

We sat with the ten dancers in a large bar where Jinae knew the owner well. We hadn't had to walk far as the bar was only a few streets away from where we were shooting the video.

I thought of Lee Know. We hadn't even invited him. Besides, he's not the type to drink with his crew.

The waiter brought over several bottles of soju and five or six dishes that Jinae had also ordered.

- But Jinae, you're spoiling us! It's too much! complained the girl across from me, smiling as she filled the glasses.

Jinae smiled politely, but you could tell she was pleased with the compliment.

I leaned over and whispered to her:

- What are you going to pay for all this ?

She laughed and dismissed my comment with a wave of her hand.

- It's nothing! I have a card to cover my expenses, don't worry!

I nodded and toasted them, then drank my entire glass.

The evening went well, until I got drunk and Jinae decided it was time to go home.

I couldn't get up, collapsed on the table and closed my eyes, I had a massive headache that wouldn't go away.

Jinae shook me awake.

- Aoi ! Aoi ! Wake up! Isn't there someone who can come and get you? she asked, pulling me to my feet.

I stammered something unintelligible and she gave up.

This was the moment Lee Know decided to barge into the bar and make his way to the table we were sitting at.

Jinae noticed him immediately and waved.

- What's going on here? he shouted as soon as he arrived.

He looked at the empty soju bottles, at Jinae's condition and then at me.

- Who's that? I asked in a pasty voice, pointing my finger at Lee Know.

He rolled his eyes and announced that he would take care of me.

- He's a nice man who will take you home, Jinae explained, getting up and heading for the exit. See you tomorrow!

I grabbed the table and threw a tantrum. I wasn't in my right mind and the alcohol didn't help.

- NO! I don't want to come!

- Calm down now! You're drunk, I'm not going to let my dancers get drunk and not be able to get home on their own! It wouldn't be responsible ! Lee Know replied, taking the bar from me and leading me outside.

Once outside, the cool night air woke me up a bit and I had to stop to throw up.

Lee Know waited patiently for me to finish, then got fed up and took me in his arms.

I was still drunk and fell asleep with my head on his shoulder. His hair smelled delicious....

- This can't be true, Lee Know grumbled. She really fell asleep. How am I going to get her back now?

He decided to go to his apartment, which was two blocks away from the bar, and gently tucked me into his bed.

I mumbled a little but stayed asleep.

Finally finished, he sighed as he took off his coat and went to take a shower.

- This girl is impossible.

A few minutes later, I woke up a little but in a drowsy state.

Lee Know took off my coat and covered me with his blanket.

I grabbed his arm and whispered:

- Please stay with me...I am afraid to be alone...

I wrinkled the sleeve of his T-shirt, but I didn't care. And he didn't care, either.

He pulled his arm free and sighed as he sat down next to me when he saw how sad I looked.

- All right, I'm here. Go to sleep now, he ordered, settling comfortably into his bed.

I smiled and closed my eyes.

I was having a nightmare. Everything around me was black and I could see blood stains on the floor. I screamed and finally woke up with a start, around one o'clock in the morning according to the alarm clock. My screams attracted the attention of Lee Know, who immediately woke up and calmed me down:

- What? What's the matter? Everything's fine, go back to sleep, it's late and we have to work tomorrow.

The effects of the alcohol had completely worn off. I replied:

- Lee Know? What are you doing here? What's been going on? Why ....

- It's just my apartment. We'll come to the questions later, I'm tired now. But why did you scream?

- Did I scream?

Lee Know looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

- You must have had a nightmare, that's normal, he concluded as he fell back asleep, which meant that the discussion was over.

I was confused. Where was I ? And Jinae ?

But Lee Know was right about one thing: it was late and we had to work tomorrow.

I turned my head to him and saw that he'd already fallen asleep.

He's beautiful when he sleeps..., I said to myself as I moved closer to him.

He was wearing a long black t-shirt with matching sweatpants and his hair was still styled the way it had been during the shoot.

I looked down at my own clothes. My jeans and T-shirt were still on.

I sighed. What was I thinking? I was so struck by his beauty that without meaning to, I reached up and stroked his cheek, and when I saw that he didn't react and that I wouldn't get another chance like this, I continued my exploration of his face.

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to this man I barely knew.

My fingers came to his lips and my face was opposite his, recreating the scene on the post.

It was then that Lee Know opened his eyes.

He didn't move, didn't make the slightest sign of movement. His eyes locked with mine, and even in the darkness, the intensity of his gaze transfixed me. Now I understood Jinae when she said he had incredible eyes.

- What are you doing? he asked, sinking his eyes into mine. I felt his warm breath caress my cheeks.

- Um...I..., I tried to explain.

I backed away hastily, blushing and quickly removing my hands from his face.

- I didn't do anything. I'm going to sleep now. Good night, I said in one breath as I got back into bed as far away from him as I could, ashamed to have been caught.

I didn't see Lee Know's smile or his amusement at my embarrassment.

- This should be interesting for a change, he joked as he got up.

He opened the door to his room and walked out.

He reappeared a few seconds later to say:

- Ah, and since you seem to want us to be closer, call me Min-ho. Lee Know is too serious.

I'm the Charmer [Lee Know]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora