Chapter 2

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Harry P.O.V

Harry, come here and cuddle with me." Taylor said, annoying me dearly.

"Taylor, I'm busy with...reading. I can't right now." I said studdering

"You don't even have a book." She sounded unconvinced. I laughed at her attempt to be smart. "Whats so funny?"

"Taylor, I'm reading the signs outside the window. Seems like Carson is having a 75% off sale..."

"Babe, the window is closed."

"I'm going to bed." I quickly walked down the hall, into my bedroom and slammed the door. I locked the door, making sure there was no possible way she could possibly get in.


Your right, you know. I don't like you. At all. I thought to myself.

"Your just delusional..." I muttered sarcasticly to myself, chuckling a bit.

I walked to the side of my bed, sitting on the edge. I was only 6pm and it was too early to go to bed. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contacts









I decided to call Darian and Jennifer , we hadn't talked in forever and I missed them. They were my American friends, and they were in London visiting their friends. I called Jennifer, only to receive her voicemail. I called Darian, it rang twice and she picked up. She was energetic when she answered.

"Hey Harry, long time no talk!" She said joyfully

"Hey, I heard you were in town, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, I need a break." I sighed loudly, making the lines volume increase.

"Uhm.. Sure, I'll just leave now. Starbucks?"

"That'll be perfect, see you soon!" I said happily

I hung up, and jumped off the bed. I sped to my closet and put on a fresh new shirt, and threw on some converse. I grabbed my green beanie, car keys and wallet. I unlocked the door, and ran down the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked annoyed.

"OUT! BYE!"I yelled and ran out the door.

I made it to my car, I opened the door, and sat down. I put the key in the ignition and started the car. I looked towards my right mirror, and noticed and blonde headed girl standing at my window. I rolled down the window and scoffed.

"What, I have plans." I said, basically as harsh as I could.

"I'm coming, open the door."

"Taylor, I-"

She had already threw her hand on the lock and unlocked the door. From outside, she opened the door and sat down. Her blonde hair bouncing, making me want to push her out. Her perfume was freshly sprayed and reeked of cheap perfume. Very unattractive.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out of the parking lot. I sped down the street, towards Starbucks. When we arrived, I opened my door and started to walk in. I noticed only my door had opened and shut, I turned my head towards the car and noticed Taylor sitting down, with a 'duh' expression on her face. She wanted me to open the door for her. I ignored her attempt to mouth it to me, and walked in Starbucks. Darian was sitting at a table near the back of the restaurant. I ordered a white chocolate hot cocoa, and sat down across from her. She was startled and squealed a bit.

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