Chapter 2

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After they seperated from the kiss,  Crowley snapped his fingers. Evangeline found herself in a cozy room, surrounded by an ambiance of warmth and serenity. The soft glow of candles danced across the room, illuminating shelves lined with books that held secrets and knowledge. The sight seemed to resonate deeply with her, evoking a sense of familiarity and connection.

In the middle of the room was a huge oak desk, folders and papers on top of it. Behind was a black lether chair. She could imagine how good can he looking doing some paperwork in it. There was a black sofa with many pillows in it. And a huge bookshelf on the other side of the room.

Crowley observed her with a knowing smile, his gaze lingering on her as she took in her surroundings. Her words, filled with a mixture of awe and appreciation, seemed to echo in the quiet room.

"I'm delighted that you find this to your liking, my dear" Crowley replied to her unspoken words, his tone smooth and rich. "Aesthetic, holds a certain charm, doesn't it? It's fascinating how our preferences and desires can shape the very fabric of our surroundings."
" You know what? I take back what i said. I choose you because of this. This aesthetic " used the same word to describe the beauty of this place, she closed her eyes and purred " something that i would like to dive in deeper " the girl opened her eyes and looked at his while bited her lips thinking about their kiss before. It was a seal for their deals of course but felt diffrent. She watched him do this many times to people or other entities but still for her was diffrent maybe she was a bit delulu but she loved this feeling.

As she looked into his eyes, her own thoughts seemed to wander, her memory revisiting the intensity of their kiss. Crowley's expression was a mixture of amusement and intrigue, as if he could sense the emotions that swirled within her.

"Ah, that kiss," he mused, his voice a soft murmur that carried a hint of huskiness. "A sealing of our arrangement, yes. But also a doorway to a new chapter, wouldn't you agree?"

Crowley's realization dawned upon him, a sly glint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he regarded Evangeline. His lips curled into a knowing smile, and he let out a soft chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of mock surprise.

"Well, well, it appears I've let a rather important detail slip through the cracks," he remarked, his tone playfully sly. "Here we stand, poised on the precipice of an intriguing arrangement, and yet, your name remains a tantalizing mystery."

He extended a hand towards her, his expression a playful blend of curiosity and charm. "Allow me to correct this oversight. I am Crowley, a man of considerable influence and distinction. And you, my dear, hold a name that promises to be just as captivating, I'm sure."

The room seemed to hum with a newfound energy, a moment of lightheartedness nestled within the shadows of their pact. Crowley's gaze held a mischievous glint, his eyes locked onto hers, his hand awaiting her response with an air of anticipation that seemed to underscore the unspoken connection between them.

Evangeline's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that seemed to echo within the cozy room. Her steps brought her a bit closer, the space between them seemingly charged with a playful energy. "I am Evangeline," she announced, her voice carrying a note of confidence and intrigue.

Crowley's lips curved into a satisfied smile as he shook her hand, his grip firm yet gentle. However, his touch didn't stop at a simple handshake. With a sly and swift movement, he pulled her closer, their bodies now intimately near, the air between them crackling with a renewed intensity.

"Ah, Evangeline," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that seemed to send shivers down her spine. "An angel's name, is it not? How fitting that you stand before me, extending such an intriguing proposition. The irony of it all is quite delicious, don't you think?"

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