Chapter 4

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After getting dressed, Crowley took Evangeline on an extensive tour of his realm, showcasing the grandeur and mystique that surrounded them. They explored winding corridors and hidden chambers, each space revealing a different aspect of his dominion. Eventually, they found themselves in a lavishly appointed salon, a haven of comfort and opulence.

Throughout the day, Crowley played the role of a charming host, attending to every need and desire with a smug sense of satisfaction. He introduced her to a delectable array of treats, paired with the finest wines that materialized seemingly out of thin air. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, transitioning from light-hearted banter to deeper discussions about their experiences, aspirations, and even the intricacies of the supernatural realm.

Evangeline's voice took on a more serious tone as she delved into her thoughts. "You know, I never thought this would happen to me," she began, her words carrying a weight of introspection. "I've wished for it many times, but I thought if God existed, could be really selfish. Only their happiness and emotions would matter. I felt like I was played, hurt, and angry many times over this matter." Her voice grew sharper, expressing the frustration she had carried.

"When my parents died, I was really young, so it didn't have a huge impact on me. It just left me with the knowledge that I was alone. Forever alone," she mused, drawing parallels between their lives. "But I had a good life with many friends. The fandom community had my back and shared the same feelings, which was amazing." A smile played on her lips as she remembered the fanfics she wrote and the late-night discussions with kindred spirits. They were her people.

As Evangeline glanced up and met Crowley's intense gaze, a faint blush crept over her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to unload this shit on you," she said, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of his shirt that she was wearing. "I just feel so incredibly happy, you know? And i'm aware that shit will coming, oh boy " Eva laughed at him " but I am ready for them. Because that's what I wished for. And you know what they say, my dearest husband?" Her smile turned mischievous as she looked at Crowley, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Crowley raised an intrigued eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What is it, my lovely wife?" he inquired.

Evangeline burst into laughter. "They say, 'Be careful what you wish for,'" she replied, her words carrying a mixture of playfulness and a touch of defiance.

As the sun dipped low, the room took on a golden glow. Crowley's presence seemed strangely peaceful as his gaze shifted. He vanished for a moment and then returned, holding two steaming cups of tea.

"Tea, darling?" Crowley's voice had a Scottish touch, mixing charm and a touch of sarcasm. 

"Spill the tea, bitch," she smirked, showing her unpredictable side, something he found intriguing. Evangeline's reply caught him off guard, but he didn't lose his cool. He offered her a cup.

"Why spill?" He raised an eyebrow, amused. Their playful banter was a familiar dance.

Evangeline leaned back, her grin growing. "You never know what secrets you might uncover."

He handed her a cup with a flourish. Their fingers brushed, sending a little spark through him. He took a sip, holding her gaze.

"Darling," he purred, his voice soft, "sometimes, simple can be charming, don't you think?"

"Ah, the good ol' days," she mused, her mind drifting back to those moments of simple pleasures when she could curl up with a good book and a cup of tea, escaping into other realms of imagination. Little did she know that her reality would twist and turn, leading her to a demon's side in a world she once considered mere fiction. Crowley, the enigmatic demon, stood beside her, his charm mirroring that of a character from a movie. The contrast between his suave demeanor and the extraordinary circumstances left her feeling both awed and bewildered.

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