A cheater or a preggo?

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Frida was sweating, her hair was breaded and held back by a pink band. She had been working out for the last hour as she felt the need to stay in shape. She heard the front door open so she decided to pause the music, it was too early for Benny to be home. A few seconds later she saw Hans lean out and then her muscles relaxed. "Hej mamma!" He said, moving closer to his mom.

"I'm sweaty," she said, trying to wipe the sweat away but he hugged her anyway.

"The mail has arrived," he announced, handing her the envelopes and keeping one for himself.

"What's that?" she asked curious pointing to his hands.

"It's a letter from the bank, they sent it to me here as it appears like my old address," he explained. "I applied for a home loan, I have to see if I'm approved," she added.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Frida raised both eyebrows.

"I wanted to do the paperwork on my own, that's fine," he didn't want to ask his mother for help, financial or otherwise.

"Hans," Frida sighed, feeling like she wasn't cooling off. "I can buy you the house if that's what you want, it's the only thing I can leave you and your sister now," Frida tried to make him understand. "And I don't mind doing it, I think you guys should let me..."

"Let's not talk about this," Hans refused. "I feel more comfortable solving my own things, you always taught us to be independent," he replied.

"And I am proud that you are independent. But also my criterion has always been to give you both what I could not have..."

Hans sighed. "Do not talk about it. Are you sick?" He changed the subject immediately.

"No, why?" Frida frowned slightly.

"I saw an envelope from the hospital and thought something was wrong," he explained.

"Oh no!" Frida shook her head. "It's routine exams, your mom isn't getting young," she laughed.

"Yes you are," Hans chucked and finally reached over to give her another hug, even though she was sweaty.

"I look like a fence, Hans," she complained with a laugh. "Let me go!" She exclaimed...


Frida was sitting on the kitchen chair while dinner was being cooked, she had the hospital paper on the table in front of her and the tears were sliding from her eyes to her cheeks and dripping from her chin onto her clothes. No, she couldn't stop crying, she hadn't since she opened the envelope from the hospital. Her hands trembled, her shoulders shook, and she no longer knew if she was crying with happiness, sadness, or anguish.

She blew her nose and tried to wipe some of her tears, drinking a sip of water and sighing. When she heard Apolo's barking she got up from the chair immediately and walked over to the sink, trying not to look like she's been crying all this time, drying herself off completely. The barking got closer and finally Apolo entered the kitchen, followed by Benny. "We are here," he announced.

Frida smiled and turned around, pretending nothing was wrong, but her face was still red. She looked sideways at the paper that was on the table and to try to avoid his attention from there, she went to him and hugged him. "It's good that my boys are back," she said.

Benny looked at her and kissed her, noticing her red eyes. "Have you been crying?" He caressed her red cheek.

Frida shook her head. "I was cutting onions," she lied. Benny stared at her, not believing a single word, but he didn't want to force her to speak either, he knew that sooner or later she would tell him.

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