For Better or worse

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I sit in the waiting room with Star,Cotton , Andy Simone and even Alex

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I sit in the waiting room with Star,Cotton , Andy Simone and even Alex. Ms. Bruce went to get coffee and me something to eat since she said I look pale.

Miss. C just went to see Jahil. Since he just got out of surgery. I still waiting to here something hell anything about Noah condition.
Hi are you Noah Brooks wife a doctor ask. Yes I am how is he. He going to be fine. All three bullets missed any main artery. He has a hairline fracture in his right hand. It will take two to Three weeks to heal.He couple scratches on his face . Nothing too serious. We just finsh up some test we're runing a cat scan make sure there's no internal bleeding and his noggin alright and that he good to be discharged. If everything all right he will be discharged first thing tomorrow. You can go see him now he should be in room 542. Thank you so much
I grab my bag and the one I have pack for him only to be stop by Alex.

Why you lie and say you guys were married Alex question not knowing in fact we were married.

Because we are and we have been for the last two months. I say trying to walk around her because I don't have time for her bullshit

Why are you lying I sure you can go to jail for that. Alex say getting on my last nerve.

Look bitch I'm tired. I am emotionally drain. I just premform for a room full of people to save my husband from the possibility of losing a tour he work so hard for.
I been whole in my emotions for the last 3 hours and fake smiling so when he woke he still could have tour to come back to. I sat here for the last hour making a total of 4 hours since i saw him. So move out way you miserable bitch. You aight nothing better to do than start drama being everybody else's business. I say heading to Noah room.

There my baby Noah say all loopy from pain meds they givin him. And I practically jump on him becoming a sobbing mess.

Your okay oh thank God. I couldn't lose you too. I say but it probably coming out as gibberish

Hey your stuck with me for better, or for worse he assures me look at me in the eye
I love you and from now on when you leave the house you're wearing a bulletproof jacket gotta last thing I need is you leaving me alone to raise your kid. I tell him

I love you too and I would never do that that you stuck with me and when the time comes I'm sure we will make great parents.
I give him a look before walking over taking out the gift bag I had for him earlier that day

Here he look at me opening it

Here he look at me opening it

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Stop playing you for real. Noah ask excited. Yeah your going to be a dad are you happy.

Happy if I wasn't in a hospital bed right he said giving me that look that makes me wet.

Thank you I love you so much Lexi he says hug me tightly. Are you trying to squish our baby? I asking jokingly.
Oh my bad I just really happy.
I going to get us some real food and see if there are any up date on Jahil because just got out of surgery. It's looking like everyone going to be okay he say getting comfortable dozing off a bit. I guess his pain meds us finally hiting him.
I walk back to the wait room to see if there any update on Jahil and to see if anyone wanted something from McDonald's? Since it was so late it wasn't that many options.

I walk into the waiting from i'm met with mourning people. Miss. C was unconsolable. I knew instantly my former manager. Jahil was gone. I wrap my arms Ms. C trying to comfort her through her pain.


Week later

We sit there  silently eating the  food Ms

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We sit there silently eating the  food Ms. Bruce and I made for Jahil funeral. The only person missing is his nephew, Angel who who was taken by Isis in the middle of him being a pallbearer. They nearly drop the casket in the hostile way they tried to arrest him. The whole day was a mess.

Guys I'm going . I have to take care of Noah he going to need his pain medicine soon I got a feed him first and people are moving in more furniture today.
Okay thanks for coming and cooking. Miss. C tells me.
It's no problem you had my back when I went through a loss and now it's my turn to have yours so whenever you need anything small little can't get out of bed you call me OK I love you Miss. C I kiss her cheek head out.


You bitch Alex and tries to attack me but Star  stands in front of me and pushes her

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You bitch Alex and tries to attack me but Star stands in front of me and pushes her. Yo what is your problem Star question?
She is I heard Upgrade on the radio how could up talk about me like that. Alex ask hurt

Um let's see, you were my friend you stayed in my house. Slept with my boyfriend while I was pregnant, then while I was mourning the loss of my family, and then later my unborn child, you continue to act like you were my friend when you were a backstabbing bitch. Now you up here acting all hurt. Bitch you are not my friend I owe you no loyalty hoe cause you don't know what that means.I say irritated that she even try to act like I owe her something

When are you gonna let that go huh? Why do you always bring it up every argument? Alex questions.

Until you realize that there are consequences to your actions you can't burn a bridge pretty much blow it up and then expect cross it the next day. You chose to be a backstabbing bitch you chose after being a backstabbing bitch to continue to do crazy bat shit insane things like going to the tabloids about a fake relationship knowing good and damn well Noah wasn't your. Or maybe trying to get him to cheat on me with you for one. Which cause you to get kicked out of your boyfriends house and break up with you. Now he dating someone that makes him happy. I hope she doesn't lie about having a miscarriage you weird bitch. I say turning around walking out Miss. C place. Getting in my car driving off.

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