Part 3: Honeydew Arrives at the Castle

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After the shock of being transported to her favorite fictional world had worn off, Honeydew started to question why they were here.

"Ok... usually in shows and movies people get transported to places because those places need help, right?" Honeydew asked herself.
"So then maybe the Boiling Isles needs my help!"

She started to walk towards Belos' castle, figuring that if the trouble came form anywhere, it'd be from Belos.

As soon as she got there, she was stopped by 2 guards.

"State your name and why you're here." said one of the guards.

Honeydew took a deep breath and used their incredible acting skills.
"My name is... Honeydew. And I am but an orphan... my parents abandoned my brother and I when I was just a tot, and left us to raise ourselves." Honeydew said with a dramatic flair.

"My brother then abandoned me for some girl, he's such a simp. So now I'm all alone, and I was hoping I could speak to Emperor Belos and ask for some shelter."

The guards were both teary eyed by this time. Hearing Honeydew's story convinced them to let her in.

"Go on in, kid. I'm sorry for your troubles you've had." said one of the guards.

"Oh, thank you so much, kind sirs! Have a jolly good day!" Honeydew said as they entered the castle.

Now it was time for Honeydew to meet her idol.

Honeydew gets transported to the boiling islesWhere stories live. Discover now